8ft x 7ft x 7ft shed electrics advise please

can u vent under the house. its not too much of an issue have a duct blowing air out of a shed, as i said if you use the excuse its becoming a laundry room/larder you will have reason to be ducting hot air out (tumble dryer)
can u vent under the house. its not too much of an issue have a duct blowing air out of a shed, as i said if you use the excuse its becoming a laundry room/larder you will have reason to be ducting hot air out (tumble dryer)
Na can't go under the house lol might just go under ground with 150mm twin wall drainage pipe into greenhouse!! And if I got a 40 amp sub panle that should be anuff for a 2 x 600w lumateks n a 2000w heater plus fans water pumps air pumps ect?