8weeks in and plants living with spider mites

Happened to me once. I'm with Harley, start over. Unless you don't mind smoking bugs. Or sell cheap to someone and let them know it has bugs in it. I set off one of those foggers in my grow area once the plants were gone. I never had them before and I never had them since. Don't know how I got them that one time, but it ruins the plant. I think they were in the ffof soil. I no longer use it.
The neighbor had to use 2 of those fog bombs because of the cubic feet of his grow area but it took that to actually finally get rid of them. Got them from a clone from a longtime and well known grower here. No outside vegetation of any kind into your house or immediate grow area. Insects and diseases are hitchhikers.
When ever you start a new cycle spray kr bomb the room down , no plants in it, I personally would use avid and blast the room down , do not put it on the pla ts although everyone here who has eaten any type lf fruit have already had a pile lf avid in their food and it has a half life of around a month , half life does not mean half life , it means the chemical has dissipated enough to where there is almost nothing left. (See Merk index)and not harmful to humans at that point , many people freak out at the word avid , a much cheaper alternantive to avid is called Lucid and it is the same avid , do not spray your plants or the stink foot hippy brigade will be all over you, just your room, method one is a organic mite killer , it is not systemic ,you will have to use it everyday for some time. Go around tge outside peremiter of your grow area with powdered bug repellents , do this about once a month to keep them from comming into the grow , not letting people or animals intk the grow has already been mentioned , always be clean in your grow area , temperature drops at night will also keep them from hatching , it will also improve thc content and resin production.
A good grower rarely has any of these problems because he is pro active , he does things to keep these problems from happening before they happen , after they happen then it's to late, production and quality has already been effected by the time the grower deals with the problem .
Good luck ,
Bro, throw some periods in your posts first off.

Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the mites, dont hose them off. And if you still have several weeks left in your grow order some predator mites, they will kill all the bad mites.

I did that with my last crop to keep the mite level down while growing and later to take some off while trimming buds.

I taped some window screen over the crevice tool for the shop vac and it worked really well. Just gently tap the buds and rub it all over the leaves to get them down to a manageable level. They don't crawl into the buds so once I trimmed all the sugar leaves off I couldn't find any in the buds even using my 1000x USB scope. The trim will just get made into oil and filtered for my own use so I'm not worried about it. More bug parts in a jar of jam you get at the store anyway and it's allowed. Extra protein. :)


Good luck!

If you are not running perpetual I'd hit that place with normal household insecticide , like Doom Multi.
Fucking shit is deadly to mites.

I would wash all those buds regardless.
I actually like washed weed, I thought the concept was funny until I tried it, and like how it extended the dry period by a day or two. and turns out real nice product.
I did that with my last crop to keep the mite level down while growing and later to take some off while trimming buds.

I taped some window screen over the crevice tool for the shop vac and it worked really well. Just gently tap the buds and rub it all over the leaves to get them down to a manageable level. They don't crawl into the buds so once I trimmed all the sugar leaves off I couldn't find any in the buds even using my 1000x USB scope. The trim will just get made into oil and filtered for my own use so I'm not worried about it. More bug parts in a jar of jam you get at the store anyway and it's allowed. Extra protein. :)

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Good luck!


I've done exactly the same thing with a vacuum.
Yes, vacuum the webs and egg sacks

Mites lay individual eggs and not sacs like spiders do. They are literally glued to the leaf and won't come off with the vac. I checked with a magnifying glass before and after and not an egg was removed.

Couple of mites close up and an egg in the pic. The shiny bits on the egg are a reflection from the 8 little LED lights around the lens.


When spraying it needs to be done every 3rd day for at least 3 treatments. I'm going 5 sprays with my current vegging plants to get rid of the f'ers for good this time. Got them from a buddy's free plants and knew they were there but in my arrogance figured I could handle it.

Guys, you can also feed neem oil in your waterings during veg. Its systemic and will build up in the plant and be there later in flower and prevent bugs from sucking your plants.
Mites lay individual eggs and not sacs like spiders do. They are literally glued to the leaf and won't come off with the vac. I checked with a magnifying glass before and after and not an egg was removed.

Couple of mites close up and an egg in the pic. The shiny bits on the egg are a reflection from the 8 little LED lights around the lens.

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When spraying it needs to be done every 3rd day for at least 3 treatments. I'm going 5 sprays with my current vegging plants to get rid of the f'ers for good this time. Got them from a buddy's free plants and knew they were there but in my arrogance figured I could handle it.

Thats true, theres also usually weblike material with mites and eggs in them that van be vacuumed out.

I cant believe you knowingly took plants with mites and put them in your grow area. You need to keep them isolated and get it fixed before doing that.
Guys, you can also feed neem oil in your waterings during veg. Its systemic and will build up in the plant and be there later in flower and prevent bugs from sucking your plants.

Anything that gets in the plant tissue good enough to deter bugs is gonna be in your smoke so no thanks.

Sure neem oil is non-toxic if you eat it but who knows what it becomes when you smoke it. I won't use any systemic sprays on my plants even in veg. Good old Safer's soap spray with 10ml/L neem or canola oil added kills the adults just fine and the bugs can never become immune to it. Takes many generations for a creature to develop resistance to a toxin but that spray kills by suffocating the bugs and no one can develop immunity to that. :)

I cant believe you knowingly took plants with mites and put them in your grow area. You need to keep them isolated and get it fixed before doing that.

They were the only plants in the area and I put them in a spare bedroom and not my grow room but they get around. :)

I did mention that I was arrogant about my abilities to manage the situation. First time I had mites in 15 years and kind of forgot about coming home after 5 weeks in the bush to find my grow room one giant web. Was like something out of an old horror movie. Left the wife in charge and she didn't know what to do. Tossed everything on the burning pile including my best mom. Should have took a couple cuttings off her and treated those. :(

I did a close examination of the plants this morning and couldn't find a one but they are getting their 4th spray in a bit today. Was only a few leaves on my re-vegged AK from the last grow that I found some but they are all getting treated until I'm 100% certain I've beat the bastards. Thrips are never this hard to beat but I don't like them much either.

mites are nearly impossible to get rid of during growing.
that said ive smoke many of mites in my years and im alive ....better then average "good shit".
once you cut the ladies down , them mites are going to go running for more food, so most are gone from the buds by the time you jar them. then i just wash them in water and dry um and cure um ...they will be fine.
once thats done , completely fog the room out with real pesticides...kill um all and start over.:bigjoint:
If you have time and don't want to spray pesticides in your home, you can eradicate spidermites from your room by keeping it empty of plants, warm- at least mid 70s- and dry for a week.

Eggs will hatch and all will starve. Done!

I was reading all about that researching the mites I have. When it gets cold they go dormant and can overwinter then pop back to life in the spring and renew their attacks. When they are preparing to go dormant they turn red and I found quite a few red ones when I was cropping my last grow as I was letting the temps stay low to bring out the purps. Think I'll go down there and set the heater for 80 as I want to move the plants down there in a couple weeks. Need to take the chill off the room as it's only 52 in there atm.

Thanks for the reminder!

I was reading all about that researching the mites I have. When it gets cold they go dormant and can overwinter then pop back to life in the spring and renew their attacks. When they are preparing to go dormant they turn red and I found quite a few red ones when I was cropping my last grow as I was letting the temps stay low to bring out the purps. Think I'll go down there and set the heater for 80 as I want to move the plants down there in a couple weeks. Need to take the chill off the room as it's only 52 in there atm.

Thanks for the reminder!

Red mites are predators. If you have those, cultivate them by keeping RH up.
Red mites are predators. If you have those, cultivate them by keeping RH up.

Hard as hell to keep the RH up here and if they were predators they sure weren't helping any. Stuff I read about two-spotted mites is that they go red when they are getting ready to hibernate so I'm pretty sure that's what it was.

Had to rip my heater apart to fix a connection last night but it's got the room up to 80 and I'll keep it like that until I get it cleaned up and put plants in there.

I'm in agreement with predatory mites. Persimilis are great and relatively non-invasive. If you're able/willing to drop the coin for an order of them, they would keep your mite issue under aggressive control and eventually die off themselves after eradicating all food sources.

I wouldn't listen to the prissy type saying "don't smoke bugs, start over".
Also, Spinosad is a decent spray that is non-toxic bacteria based. If you read what it does to the pests, it's actually quite satisfying.. but you'd be best off with pred mites. I'd still vacuum the plants before processing them tho.