8x4 drip hydro with 4x 1000w hps, too much light?


Active Member
heya I'm expanding and I was thinking about using 4x 1000w hps lights for an 8x4 drip hydro tray, and after doing some reading I'm thinking, is this a bit too much light?

+rep for good responses


Well-Known Member
you can use 2 x 1000w per 4x8 and grow large plants , 18 per table. 4000w is enough for 2 x 4x8's


Well-Known Member
I dont think ther is such a thing as " To Much Light " ... to much heat yes :) ... If you can vent a room with 4 x 1000 then go for it ... Maybe try 2 x 1000 to start with and add to it if the venting is working out ?

Tell us a bit more about your expanding plan :)

As stated above ... it would be wiser to have 2 tables ... big plants and lots of em :)


Active Member
agreed never too much light but thats a lot of heat and kinda overkill i have 2 1000w lights over a 4x8 table if i get another 1000w im going to make the table longer i also agree if you r goin to get 2 more lights get another 4x8 table 2 is plenty for 1 4x8

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
4K on 4x8 is a lot! As other posters have said, if you're gonna get 2 more lights, get another table. You'll get great yields with 4K on one table, but I bet you get more from two tables with 2K each


Active Member
I was thinking on it, and I settled on getting an extra 4x4 table, so I'll be running 60 plants instead of the original 40, and the area will totally be perfect, it's down in my basement so it stays cool practically all day, midday temps are only about 70 degrees in the afternoon (means I barley have to water my plants in the backyard lol), but I'm planning on having 60 plants, like I said, it's a fast-growing indica strain called g's pot by vancouver island seed co., and I'm going to be growing them in a 50/50 mix of perlite and coco, in 5 (or 7 im not sure yet) gallon root pots (about a buck cheaper each than smart pots and practically exactly the same) with a drip setup. I read on BGhydro's how-to that for an 8x4 tray I'd only need a 40 gallon reservoir? (see I'm new to drip I usually use dwc) that seems a little small, but I just thought I'd ask. oh and I'll be running co2

I might do a comparison grow with atami's full line compared to advanced's (the 8x4 running AN only and the 4x4 running atami)


Active Member
To the dum dums claiming that there is never too much light here are a simple article just to explain why more light doesn't necessarily help:

Most days plants encounter light intensities that exceed their photosynthetic capacity. Exactly what constitutes excess light for a leaf depends on its instantaneous environmental conditions and can vary over an exceedingly wide range of irradiance levels. For example, irrigated field-grown sunflower is typical of C3 crop plants, exhibiting maximum photosynthetic capacity during mid-morning with photosynthesis declining throughout the afternoon as stomatal conductance declines in response to declining leaf water potentials (21). Thus even under conditions which may not generally be considered stressful, stomatal conductance can substantially restrict CO2 entry into leaves, rendering even moderate irradiances in the top of a crop canopy in excess of photosynthetic capacity.

if the light intesity (measured in lumens) is too great then not only can it harm a plant, it can destroy the chlorophyll. Since without chlorophyll photosynthesis cannot happen this can effectively kill the plant in a short period of time. Fortunately chlorophyll is what makes up the majority of the green color we know plants to exhibit, so if your plants start turning white (known as "bleaching") then you know that it's time to move the lights away or get a smaller bulb.


Well-Known Member
im gonna agree with everyone here.if the plants and the setup is perfect then the plants will take the light and be great,but if the plants are un healthy,temps too high,bla-bla,then the plant will only use the light it needs and then 4k watts will be way more than you need.if every thing is good then use the 4 lights but if there is concerns on anything in the setup then wait on all that light