8X8 or 6X8 Flower room for 2 600w HPS ?


Active Member
Im thinking of doing a small window air into the room for cooling. My SEARCH skills must not be very good . . .


Active Member
I guess I was hoping to get enough design help so I could at least ask decent questions. Im just spinning my wheels for the last several days & getting no where. Basic room layout must not be sound. Im hoping putting in a window A/c 6500 will help since I live in the desert. Now that I made that decision I have to figure out how to get fresh air in & stale air out without losing too much cooling. The AC unit uses room air to cool so no fresh air in from there. I have 8 inch Valuline 745 cfm fan but that'll suck the cool right out , even with speed control. I can use passive air in from house (abt 77 deg) closet thru filter/register in roof set up for two 8 inch ducts into attic. Im totally strained out maximus & wanting to get growing again . . . Thanx to any who stop by !


Well-Known Member
I use that same inline fan, and they work great! I would recommend, at least putting one in the attic to expel any hot air, whether it be from the lights, the grow room itself, or a combination of both. I run a slightly diff set up from you, so I could not advise much more, but wish you the best going forward.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. My two lights will be drawing air in the summer from the house & winter from the attic or just from the house. They will have a fan in the attic sucking air thru them & expelling into attic. At least I think that is a good plan but would sure like to know before trying.
I am also wondering if I put a "T" after the reflectors just before the duct exits the room & a valve to adjust flow if that would allow me to exhaust room every 5 minutes. I would have a passive air intake to the room from the house bring in fresher air thru 8 inch duct.

Please, more discussion help !


Active Member
okay. i want t know about how well your ducting works in the end. I think you will end up having to play with a lot of things.

1-You want to think about smell control.

2- Get the ac hoods on sealed systems. I think since you say you live in the desert, take air from the house, through the lights, then outside. no need for smell control if these are sealed well. 2 lights on one 8" fan will probably be okay but keep all ducting straight as possible(use rigid ducting where viable), short as possible, and same size as your fan. length of runs, bends, flex duct all play hell on CFM.

3-A/C units are usually used in rooms that dont use fresh air cooling/exhaust. Decide on one or the other i think. A/C also takes air in and spits smell out so You would need a scrubber running 24/7. This is a solid form of smell control though. This can be a good option. I think you should seal this room well and insulate it well. Air cooling the hoods with one fan and getting a nice 8" carbon filter to use as a scrubber with the other 8" fan. (i have 2 of these 8" valueline fans, i like them) cooling room with A/C and oscillating fans. You are going to have to set this up and run it dry(no plants) to get temp readings and make adjustments from there


Active Member
Thanks for the reply ! I already have the reflectors cooled using house air runnining thru 8 inch duct & being pulled out of the room by 8 inch valuline in attic. I may eventually loop this back into the house.
I have a passive air intake with damper( 8 inch insulated ducting).
The AC recirculates the room air for cooling & does not bring in fresh air.
I have carbon filter in room exiting (with damper) & 8 inch valuline fan in attic( to be used to vent & exhaust room when CO2 is not being used. Legal grow so smell isnt a real big issue.
Basically I am setting the room up to run either ac or not & also CO2 or not.
Working alone has been a bear sometimes. Getting the ac into the slot at the top of the wall was tough, as was just getting the walls up ! Anyway my company has left & I can finally get back on track to completion !
Hope I have made the right decisions so far . . .


Active Member
i have been thinking about window units myself. how are you exhausting it? i want to put one in my basement but cant get the ass end outside. it wont be in the grow room but it will heat up the rest of the basement. thinking about boxing it in and using a 4" fan to exhaust it....


Active Member
SAme as me, kinda. I have room in garage & must exhaust out of garage. I built a cardboard box around back end of ac & will duct out of room thru attic with fan.


Well-Known Member
A sun circle is basically a light mover that moves the lights in a 360 cirlce ...usually two lights on either end of an arm which pivots in the middle (with the option of having more light on more arms)


Well-Known Member
I tried to find a video of sun circle but this was as close as i could get...