8'x8'x8' tent design - lights / air


Active Member
wanted some input on this design, here are some facts about it:

-(2) 8' x 8' x 8' tents side by side
-(4) 1000w lumatek ballasts on flip (1k cool tube lights 24" long 8"
-10" vortex for exhausting hot air off lights (on timer/controls)
-8" vortex for the carbon filters can 75 600 cfm. (on timers/controls)
-8" vortex for the intake (on timers/controls)
-2 oscillating fans in each room doing figure 8s (on timer)

Still trying to figure out the optimal controls/timing on the equipment. Didn't include anything with the grow, just showing the design for the lighting and air. Co2 injection is still being designed.

Was thinking of having damper control when the lights are off in one of the tents with regards to the lighting exhaust. The way it is connected there is no need to have air exhausted from the tent that has no lights on so a timed damper makes sense. A little more efficient


Input on anything is highly welcome and encouraged.


-All ducting will be insulated to improve efficiency and trying to eliminate some noise from the fans
-might build boxes for the fans, they are a little loud


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Less bends on the ventilation for the lights if you can. I would keep the carbon filter internal and not exhaust it if you are going to get CO2. Where is the intake for the cool tubes - In the room?
Forgot to add the lighting intakes in. Otherwise just letting unfiltered air outside the room. Thanks for pointing that out.

Are the fans strong enough with all those bends? Just aiming for an efficient path but it's a work in progress.

Not sure what you mean, the carbon filter is internal. The co2 injection would be based on the fans being off and air trapped in. That's why damper control and fan timing would seem to work well.

updated drawing
Internal meaning I have a carbon filter inside the room and I dont bring in any new air or exhaust it out - just filtering the air in the room (tent). CO2 and a sealed room make this a good idea. My idea on the bends are remove the stuff in the red and move / add the stuff in the blue. It will remove 2 90 degree bends in your system.
Oh, okay. Thanks for the correction. Am going by the factory installed flanges in the tent thats why it may have seemed inefficient.

Was under the impression the air had to be sucked through the carbon filter and remove from the room. Will look into that internal filter.
u always have the choice of booster fans what they were made for

and damn fine work on your set up ........that was cletus lvl planning (cletus ungine lippy the 3rd) is a red neck i know that can build anything out of anything from parts in his yard ....... he was the man that came up with the soda can bong 4 soda cans a hitter and a roll of ductape
Trying to look for a co2 generator with ducting compatibility so it can be split into both tents. Tanks are gonna have to be changed too often compared to a burner. Any thoughts on co2 generators inside the tent?

This one here:
[h=1]Blueprint CO2 Generator LP, CGLP-8[/h]bcgl608.jpg
Costs around $380 for the unit. It is 15" x 9.5" x 18" in size so it would fit in a corner well.
-The thing is with propane flames inside a combustible tent, there must be clearance from the unit and anything near it. (not sure safe distance)
-From my understanding, since it is an 8 burner.... it will take very little time to achieve the 1500ppm CO2 levels so minimal heat would be produced
-minimal burning time would be also be achieved which is good on a safety stand point
I may be completely off, but can you place the generator outside the tent where it's safer and cooler and just run the hose/duct into the tent?
It's been a while since I have updated the thread. Avee8or, you're right.

I actually saw a guy's thread on here and he had a generator with ducting attached to it. He had an inline fan so it sucked all the co2 into the room. Others were skeptical but it was reported that it was working well. The opening on the generator has to be able to fit with the ducting. For example, the picture of the co2 generator I posted has 2 openings at the top. Ideally you would want just one for this application. The ducting will have a high heat rating because some of these co2 generators give off 250+F temperatures. Thinking back, it was a silly idea having the generator inside the tent but now I'm much more comfortable with the design.