• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

9/11 debunking accomplished


Well-Known Member
We can play these games and pose questions back and forth on irrelevant message boards, but the fact remains that WTC 7 wasn't hit by a plane and collapsed at almost free fall speed. And why did it take so long to get the pathetic 9/11 investigation? Why was so little spent to investigate the worst terrorist attack on US soil? A measly $3 million, while the Columbia space shuttle disaster investigation was $175 million and the Monica Lewinsky investigation was $30 million. Hmm just another coincidence. The thing is, people that question the official story just want a real investigation. It won't happen though, so we can just keep going back and forth on message boards about who is right and who is wrong. None of us know the truth.


New Member

"Ignition of a thermite reaction normally requires only a simple child's sparkler or easily obtainable magnesium ribbon"

"Often, strips of magnesium metal are used as fuses. Because metals burn without releasing cooling gases, they can potentially burn at extremely high temperatures. Reactive metals such as magnesium can easily reach temperatures sufficiently high for thermite ignition. Magnesium ignition remains popular among amateur thermite users, mainly because it can be easily obtained."
So you think the WTC was rigged with LOADS (how much by the way?) of Thermite....and it would take a lot of thermite. Then each one was set off with a sparkler? :lol: No one noticed huh? How many sparklers? Don't forget, people were everywhere at that point......these spaces weren't deserted. Camera crews everywhere........ It just stretches the imagination compared with the very simple and straight forward truth of damage and a long hot arse fire.

Other things continue to not make sense as well.

So all this intricate planning to set off the war in Iraq.... isn't that the equation? So all of this really smart planning (I thought Bush wasn't smart?) to start the war...... but NO WMD'S in Iraq? Kind of really threw the war train off the tracks publicly after that...no? Yes.

So all this intricate deceit here at home, under EVERYONE'S noses, and cameras, and lawyers........ and no one put the WMD'S in place to cap the decision as correct and just? The two just don't match up! Anyone who could pull off such a complicated (and it is a complicated conspiracy, another tip off to error) deception in NYC is then incapable of fooling the US public about WMD'S halfway around the world with military control?

If it don't fit.... you must acquit!


Well-Known Member
So you think the WTC was rigged with LOADS (how much by the way?) of Thermite....and it would take a lot of thermite. Then each one was set off with a sparkler? :lol: No one noticed huh? How many sparklers? Don't forget, people were everywhere at that point......these spaces weren't deserted. Camera crews everywhere........ It just stretches the imagination compared with the very simple and straight forward truth of damage and a long hot arse fire.

Other things continue to not make sense as well.

So all this intricate planning to set off the war in Iraq.... isn't that the equation? So all of this really smart planning (I thought Bush wasn't smart?) to start the war...... but NO WMD'S in Iraq? Kind of really threw the war train off the tracks publicly after that...no? Yes.

So all this intricate deceit here at home, under EVERYONE'S noses, and cameras, and lawyers........ and no one put the WMD'S in place to cap the decision as correct and just? The two just don't match up! Anyone who could pull off such a complicated (and it is a complicated conspiracy, another tip off to error) deception in NYC is then incapable of fooling the US public about WMD'S halfway around the world with military control?

If it don't fit.... you must acquit!

the whole thing about the WMDs.... it wasnt needed.... im sure if it was needed as eidence then sure they would have done it...

and the thermite.... so just cause you cant figure out how they lit the thermite it means they couldnt have used it.... ever heard of remote detonation... its qite simple to remotely light a magnesium strip.... nd you cant explain why building 7 was demolished nor why there was shitloads of thermite in the basement...

"it was like a foundary down there, molten metal everywhere"

"masses of thermite was found at the base of the stucture and you can quite clearly see alluminum oxide pouring from the building"

allumium oxide being the gas released when thermite has burned...


Well-Known Member
There had to be some explosions as the basements of the building must be demolished for a building to come down. Hey what do you know, they have seismic evidence of all this. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/shake.html you find lots of evidence of explosions there. Lets not forget all the videos of ordinary people saying they heard all these explosions, then theres the firefighters who explain all the explosions as the building fell. " All these explosions, like boom boom boom boom boom all the way down". If you just went to Grow Rebels Thread you would see all this evidence has been posted before, and What...Huh makes very good arguments against the theory.

To get explosives to go boom from a remote location is childs play, there are so many ways you can do it, Cell phone, network, 2.4 ghz link, Radio Link,actual physical wire etc etc. Just a cell phone gives you capability to explode anything from almost anywhere.


Well-Known Member
So you think the WTC was rigged with LOADS (how much by the way?) of Thermite....and it would take a lot of thermite. Then each one was set off with a sparkler?l.

No, I don't think it was set off with a sparkler. I was simply pointing out your incorrect previous statement that thermite is difficult to ignite. It isn't.


Well-Known Member
exactly the records show there was explosions before the building coming down... and no im not talking about the planes hitting the towers for anyone who wants to be a smart arse...

and someone said a bit back about the towers were designed to take one hit... no... they were designed to take MULTIPL E hits from FULLY fueled aircraft of that size, i cant find it now but at one point i heard an engineer compare it to being hit with a FULLY loaded fighter jet hitting it in the same spot and the building should of still be standing.... im definately gunna get bagged on that because i cant find the info to back it up, and for the pancake theory to work the inner steel structure should of been standing way up in the air, and there should NOT have been thermite in the basement..... and it would have to been built on an inferior building:) ..... and 500F(260C).... thats not near hot enough to structually weaken the steel that it was made out of... and unless something was compressing and then atomising the jet fuel before it was combusting and it could get to a much higher temp.... and where the fuck in apancake theory does it descibe how a building can fall at free fall... it is insanity...


Well-Known Member
The people that are pushing the thermite theory are saying super thermite or Nano-thermite, and de-bunkers come at them with thermite examples? Nearly Apples to oranges. Who has/had/makes super/Nano-thermite?
Check it out for yourselves.

The history channel did a 911 show about the conspiracy, pretty shabby one at that. Their tests were almost completely irrelevant to anything. Kinda made that company look like a joke from any side of the argument. They got jet fuel in a pool to (melt) soften a single I beam on it's side weighted down with 3000 pounds, claiming the temps in the test will have reached over 1800 or 2000 degress, cool. Then they pack a bunch of thermite around a beam with a welded flange to keep it all in contact and it does nothing to the beam, BUT they say the thermite burn was over 4000,4500 degrees. Just seemed odd.

They also crashed an aluminum tube into a model pentagon. they scaled down the pentagon, scaled down the aluminum tube and thickness but did not scale down the speed and sent it in there at 500 miles per hour. Great science.
They also did a demo on a 9 story steel building in the "classic" style. I would like to see those charges placed on like the 7th or 8th floor of that building to see if the weight of the top 10-15% would pancake the rest of the undamaged building into the ground?


Well-Known Member
Here is the best timeline of 9/11 I've ever seen. If you can make it through it (very long), you couldn't possibly doubt that there are a LOT of unanswered questions that need to be addressed.

The White House was ready to invade Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

September 4, 2001 - The White House approves plans to invade Afghanistan.

September 10, 2001 - The White House's battle plan to invade Afghanistan and topple the Taliban and Osama bin Laden awaits President Bush's approval.

September 10, 2001 - Ex. CIA-director, former President, and President Bush's Dad, George H.W. Bush, meets with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers at a Carlyle business conference in Washington D.C.

9/11 (4:15 pm) - CNN correspondent Aaron Brown announces that the WTC 7 has either collapsed, or is collapsing approx 1hr and 5 min before it did.

9/11 (5:08 pm) - BBC correspondent Jane Stanley announces that the WTC 7 collapsed at least 12 minutes before it did.

9/11 (5:20 pm) - The 47-story WTC 7 mysteriously collapses even though no plane crashed into it and its collapse hardly gets any media attention.
*Note - The collapse of WTC Building 7 was never even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report

Tons of more interesting info at the timeline.


Well-Known Member
.... yeah ive made thermite before... really scary shit saw it che through the bonnet of a car, then the engine block, then through the tarmc.... we got outta there once it hit the gound and kept going.... all i could think of is gas lines and shit.... but yeah.. thermite, or thermate, if they bought it commercially, would have no problem chewing through some structural steal, and those huge alluminum oxide gas clouds pouring from the building show how much would of been used...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen it melt thru steel plenty of times. myth busters cut a car in half with it, But, But, But, On the show they couldn't get it do hardly anything to the steel? The show was a comedy strawman argument.


Active Member
I couldn't read the whole thread, sorry it gives me a headache to discuss this anymore. As for the thermite. It ONLY BURNS DOWN. Thermite will not burn sideways. It could not have been used to "cut" the beams. If you check you will see that it would have taken about 4000lbs to do what the truthers say it did. Not possible.
The weight of the upper portion of the building collapsed the weakened steel below. Sorry if this has been mentioned. Also the amount of people that would have been needed to pull this off is right up there with the "faked moon landing". I can't talk about this without laughing anymore. Not laughing at the truthers though, just the idea of all of these people (over 500 minimum) to be involved, with the sole idea of starting a war.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't read the whole thread, sorry it gives me a headache to discuss this anymore. As for the thermite. It ONLY BURNS DOWN. Thermite will not burn sideways. It could not have been used to "cut" the beams. If you check you will see that it would have taken about 4000lbs to do what the truthers say it did. Not possible.
The weight of the upper portion of the building collapsed the weakened steel below. Sorry if this has been mentioned. Also the amount of people that would have been needed to pull this off is right up there with the "faked moon landing". I can't talk about this without laughing anymore. Not laughing at the truthers though, just the idea of all of these people (over 500 minimum) to be involved, with the sole idea of starting a war.

Really? I checked and my multiple sources say it absolutely could have been done, and with way less than 2 tons for each beam. And for your info thermite can certainly burn sideways, all you have to do is have the container directing the flow where you want it to go, a Good container will pressurize and squirt a high velocity stream of molten metal through the beam. Its how we would take out support girders without all the big boom and smoke and flying debris. Combat Engineers know this. You have never worked with it, so therefore all you can do is speculate, some of us have experience with the matter and experience trumps say so any day.


Well-Known Member
....500 peolpe... yea really mn thats not many people, and it could be done, its pretty easy to get people from somewhere else take them some where get them to do what they need to do, without them even knowing where they are or what theyre really doing... lol and i can get right into the conspiracy theory with filled in tunnells underneath the building.... brain washing:) lol.... ok thats far enough off the handle well leave it at that.... and what it comes down to with the whole thing is there is that much information that says those planes wouldnt bring down those towers, and if a freak of nature occured and they did come down.... there is no way in physics that allows a building to fall like that without HEAPS of resistence.... no free fall there

and then it always comes back down to.. every other time the US has been involved in war its because of a false flag attack...:) why not this time..


Active Member
Sorry guys just having some fun. If you want to believe that go right ahead. Damn funny though. To think that ANYONE in the govt. can give an order to kill 3k people and NO ONE comes forward after the fact stating that they had some involvement ( even if they didn't think so at the time) is well just funny shit. I'm done. peace to all.


New Member
The entire premise of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists is that it was done to get us to accept the war in Iraq.

So these super genius govt. agents (:lol:) pulled off a gigantic hoax without a slip.... got what they wanted, which was war in Iraq.

But after all that planning and deadly execution, we fail to find WMD's? Think some one who went to all that trouble of starting the war, would have been able to PLANT WMD'S in Iraq. Sort of defeats the 9/11 attacks, unless you suspend logic. Which leads us back to conspiracy theorists.


Well-Known Member
.....so what..... they needed the WMDs to justify the attack.......? i think it was proved they didnt need to find WMDs to wage war on iraq scince most americans think that "all muslims are terrorists" because they believe everything they are told by the conrtolled media, and before CJ how you said mr bush wouldnt be smart enough to pull this off, who said he had anything to do with it, the president of the USA has about as much control over what actually goes on as a first year teacher has over a bunch of teenages... fuck all....... the pres is just another font man... anyway back to my point.... if they needed to find WMDs in iraq they would of planted them, they didnt, they already had the support, so why go to the etra effort? and if they needed the proof so they could invade..... the US militry wouldnt be in iraq with innocent people dying everywhere(in my eyes even both sides of the militants are innocent because they dont even really know whats going on) all in all, its a fucking crying shame what goes on in this world just for greed