I woke up more cynacal than usual this morning, after watching the debate last night. More convinced than ever that we as a nation/society are totally screwed. It makes no difference at all who gets elected. We are totally divided as a country and that is reflected in our politics. What you have seen for the past 3 years is what you get for the foreseeable future.
It doesn't matter who gets elected, really. Whoever wins, the other party will do nothing other than work to remove the winner from office. They all either have their heads up the ass of someone else or firmly embedded in sand. No one has any solutions, because frankly I'm not sure there are any at this point. So much is out of our control globally, and they will never agree on the things we can control.
And here is an example of how things don't add up for me: Pretty much everyone agrees that we need to cut government spending massively. I agree with that. I happen to believe we need some tax hikes too, but forget about that for now. There is also wide agreement that the biggest economic problem right now is jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs. It seems to me that if we do the amount of cutting we need to do in government spending, it is a hell of a lot of jobs. It doesn't matter whether they are government jobs or jobs in the private sector for the goods and services that the government will no longer be buying. Jobs are jobs. I realize that there are various plans out there for job creation but any of that would lag behind the more immediate cuts they want to do. Result is higher unemployment right? Unless they do stiumulus which is more goverment spending. It's a fcking mousewheel.