
Okay I have an update. It appears that this guy who tweeted about the situation (Data Guru) was not accurate. What this settlement is, is that the County Supervisors will give the Splunk logs and the routers over to a third party, a trusted source which is a former Congressman in Arizona, John Shadegg. Then cyber ninjas will be able to get everything that they want from him. So he is basically a caretaker of the data/ trusted 3rd party and we will still have access, so this is actually a win for us. We will have the information from both the routers and the splunk logs. I apologize for the blood pressure spike and let's see what we get out of this.
Senator Kelly Townsend

The Cyber Ninjas are a joke. They've already destroyed any chain of custody. Any results they release are tainted and worthless.

This was always about money. These Carpet Baggers are milking the idiots that think the election was stolen. That's all they're doing and they're going to drag it out as long as they can because they're all getting paid.

A few blind monkeys would be more legitimate than these trumptard Cyber Junkies.

Not even Republicans are taking this circus seriously anymore.
Okay I have an update. It appears that this guy who tweeted about the situation (Data Guru) was not accurate. What this settlement is, is that the County Supervisors will give the Splunk logs and the routers over to a third party, a trusted source which is a former Congressman in Arizona, John Shadegg. Then cyber ninjas will be able to get everything that they want from him. So he is basically a caretaker of the data/ trusted 3rd party and we will still have access, so this is actually a win for us. We will have the information from both the routers and the splunk logs. I apologize for the blood pressure spike and let's see what we get out of this.
Senator Kelly Townsend
The Arizona audit is a farce.

Also, bamboo fibers :lol:

How embarrassing this must be for you.