9 Bagseed grow journal

i got it from my unlce he gets all drunk and saus " fuckin eh buddy uh uh uh you wanna drink a beer?" and it is some funny shit lol

na purp just busy with the holidays i am about to make a road trip four hours there n then turn around and drive right back so should be fun!
what da damn deal my niggaz? Oh i see yall smokin that good ass dank ass green and forget about a nigga!LOL
Naw tell pitbudz purp says whats up! i got a lil story for yall that happened last night.
happy newyears my nig..i had a problem with my blue...he turned...
ok me and my mom and my girl live at my moms..so last night i was smokin sum but typin on ///riu so my mom says blow some smoke in his face....we always do it and he just sneezes and kinda looks at me funny...Well i got up from my cpu my mom is layin on my bed with the other older female and the blue just started barking at me very very visciously so i gave him orders to go get in his kennel..it usually works,,not this time..he kept snarling at me and my girl ran in the room and he bit the fuck out her hand she was screamin and leakin everywhere...so he was still on my bed..i grabbed my 9mm and took him outside just before his life was about end my mom and my girl come running outside and got between me and the dog and damn near got shot!But hes not over here..hes at mt grandpas..hes a totally different dog over there..i want to kill him so bad but my mom and girl wont let..theres sumthing wrong with him...i dont know but they wanna keep him and have him neutered and they think thatll help...itz in the bloodline..but if he ever bites me like that theres nuthing theyll be able to say or do..hes dead..that just goes to show you my nig..you know your dog but when you get more pure blood in the line the more vicsious...strait up.
alright purp im going to pm you my phone number or give me your e mail address and i will help you what your dog was doing was showing sighns of dominance over your mom i figure if i understand right she was in the bed and so was the other female dog with him having him on the bed period gives him dominance because he is on your level and he knows it i can help more over the phone if you are cool with it i cant type anymore now cuz i am about to make a road trip today and i will be able to talk sorry its been so long and took me a min to reply but i will do whatever neseary to help you and your dog for he will be ok we just need to balance him and ill help you figure it out man this is what i do. so just call me today if you want man and we can get started on this.
alright guys back to the plants they are all doing wonderful, we have 5 females flowering now i finally got a exhaust out for a bathroom and i added another vent line and fan hooked to my closet door suckin fresh air into the box and now the temps stay at 74-77 all day and they where 66 when the lights turned on today i am going to be starting 10 more seeds today when my bro gets off of work blue streak and white rhino, sour diesel, and there is some other i dont have the names right of the top of my head i ahve a horrible memory. also one of the 9 to start this journal got nute lockout and i transplanted it to the cloner and it is doing fine i think i will keep it as a mother it is a female just re veg it i am also going to take more clones that is why i did it i wanted to try and save it and i have clones to take off other plants so i set up a new station in my tv entertainment center so i will try and get pics up when he gets off of everything and where we are now we r in week 4 of flower on the females we got out of the 9 bagseed in the beginning and one clone from my last batch i have two other clones waiting to go in the flower box we have been waiting on our 150 hps it is takin forever and i am gettin pissed but i got 2 300 watt cfl they where huge but i already broke one cuz i am clumsy and have a broke hand that kills but that is the latest update guys so hopefully pics tonight im not promising anything but stay tuned.
alright guys we should have our 150 watt light in tomorrow and then i am ordering one now but i got a call and they said it would be here tomorrow it was shipped the 29
fuck fuck fuck well i got like51.6 grams wet i cant beleive this fuckin happend i am so pissed even though my room smells like dankity right now its bull shit
whats up pit and lil bro.aint talked to yall niggas in a minute i thought you locked up pit!.Man that sux about ur stash being found.sorry to hear that.So is that gonna fuck shit up?will yall still beable to grow?Holla bak!
yea they got me with some weed drivin and iwas fucked up on bars but yea i am still growin the plants my dad found where ready for harvest i got 51.6 grams wet off them so im happy with it and i smoked a little last night and it was bomb man butyea i wont stop just more stealth and only one or two dwarf plants thats the reason i did this grow 12/12 from start to see if i could do it and get decent bud and i did so i am pleased but i was sure i would get caught sooner or later and now i can have more than one small plant in a tight area but i need to start some seeds here pretty soon and i am still planning on doing my outdoor grow of about 20 seeds in a forest close to my home so i have that to look foward to, but what sucks is i got my two 150 hps and i cant set them up i am thinkin of building a fake wall in my closet and continuing on a big scale so i have more personal smoke
wow this thread is old as hell and i forgot all about it haha crazy to hear talk about my father when he caught us lol r.i.p. dad
thats whatsup this thread is really old man a few yers if u want to post on a more current one there is a link in my sig to my current grow feel free to stop by