9 weeks into flowering, no amber trikes????


I am exactly 9 weeks into flowering my K-Train (which is supposed to be 9 week flowering). They had 31 days veg and have been of OK (ie. not amazin) health all the way thru. Each plant has been FIMd and has about 8 cola's (but to be honest the last plants I done had one cola that almost (if not more) equals the multi cola model).

The pistils are browning nicely but the trichomes are all cloufy (although i dont have a scope but i have 20/20 vision and close up can see they are all white/cloudy).

What do you guys think? wait another 3-7 days or just chop n enjoy. I like the happy high, not 'COUCHLOCK..' and my MAIN CONCERN IS WEIGHT/MASS of buds.

I am looking forward to hearing as many opinions as poss B4 harvest !!!

Thanks guys


my camera is SHITANG so dont ask for any closeups lol. plus it cannot handle the light and i dont disturb the plants during 'night-time' hours


Well-Known Member
if you dont have the time and money to afford a 10 dollar microscope you probably should not be growing weed.

Otherwise, just chop them down. You will still enjoy them.


Active Member
You need a lighted pocked microscope, or its a guessing game based on experience.
I suppose if you grow the same strain long enough you will figure her out and get the harvest perfect.

Don't know your setup but why not harvest some now, some later and some after that?
Keep track of it all and let the finished cured smoke tell you.


whoa, ok, i dont have £10 to buy a scope. Plus i dont see any shops round here selling them.

Some people who are not rich also smoke weed and probably enjoy it more than their stuck up show off ponce counterparts who smoke it at weekends and swim in their mummy's pool by week.

Just asking, will they grow more or am i wasting my electricity bill by waiting another week. Any experts in the house???


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

sorry man i did not mean to be rude. Honestly, without a scope or close up shots its impossible to tell. Going by pistil color is a very poor method to judge ripeness.

That all being said, as long as you see resin, you can still enjoy it. However, you may or may not get the type of smoke you normally prefer.

After trichs turn ALL amber, you will see a degradation in quality, but again there is no way of knowing this unless you look up close. Trust me, skip out on dinner for a day or two and get a scope :), otherwise just enjoy what you have and save up for the second grow.

best of luck and sorry if i came off as an ass ;)

edit: also keep in mind the breeders recommend flowering times are almost always off. I have very rareley seen flowering times in sync with when i actually harvest them.


see the hairs/pistils in the close up- do i need to wait or will they 'die down' once it's dried/cured???



Well-Known Member
again, you have a perfectly useable product at this point. what it comes down to is what type of use you need it for.

9 weeks is a safe bet you are AT LEAST 80% cloudy. I have never seen a plant go into 9 weeks with a majority clear.


yo ninja gaiden - thanks sorry if i seemed abrasive I thought you were being a cu@t. thanks for all that advice. I actually knew all that buit yet again i ain't prepared.

this is my first try with K-train (and only my 2nd complete grow) and i must be honest there is hardly any resin/crystals. Althouh as i said they been a lil unhealthly/yellow all their career.

BTW. I also have a Cheese clone that is about 14 days less into flowering and it is one-cola. It looks kinda small compared to my 1st grow (Lemon Skunk) which I had 9 to a sq/m and I got about 6-8 oz dry. This time it looks like about 3 oz of the K Train and 1 oz of the Cheese.


Active Member
The color of the Trics has more to do with the THC converting to other cannaboids, you really can't see the color of the trics with your eyes, only if the calyx is there. You should be able to get a 24x magnifying glass for a couple quid, that will do the trick, otherwise your just guessing.


NINJA> do you think that because it has had a hard life it could have a week or so left, or will there be hardly any growth and it be better i start another grow now??? cheers dude

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
The pistils are browning nicely but the trichomes are all cloufy (although i dont have a scope but i have 20/20 vision and close up can see they are all white/cloudy).

So that will give you an uplifting buzz, if thats what you want ..

What do you guys think? wait another 3-7 days or just chop n enjoy. I like the happy high, not 'COUCHLOCK..' and my MAIN CONCERN IS WEIGHT/MASS of buds.

If your main concern is weight, then you have to let them flower more, then you'll get more weight, more flavor, a more relaxing high .. , if you want the uplifting feel, I think you're there . Get a scope and be sure, or chop now if you trust your vision.


I think I will chop them 2moro. That will be EXACTLY 9 weeks flowering and then I can give a K-Train smoke report - which I know is very rare on the net because I have been trying to find one myself.


Well-Known Member
most indica strains will be ready to go in 9 weeks, unless you're growing a dominant sativa they're probably (close to) done, I doubt you'll notice the difference between a couple of days at this point... focus on drying and curing properly and you won't be disappointed.

props for having patience, i know kids that will cut their shit at 6 weeks because it looked like it stopped growing