90+ degrees and cant help it


Well-Known Member
so it was 90degrees before the fans and its still 90degrees after the fan, if i open the door it only drops to 85+....but my plant doesnt seem to mind it...does this look healthy to you?

shes got a few droopy leaves, but that happened after i watered the shit out of her, i hadnt done that in a good 3 or 4 days soil was bone dry.



Active Member
I have plants in that temp range and mine also look fairly healthy except small PH imbalance.

I cant help the temps either. hell tonight i opend my closet and it was 102º F in there with 40% Humidity

that hasn't happend in a long time cause no one home to open door today.
Beautiful plant high temp or not...nice job!
Same problem here man. Location and temp outside will make it near impossible for me to keep the temp below 90 in the summer.

Im guessing as long as you keep the air flow from the fans through the leaves, supplement with some CO2 and keep humidity relatively high (not too high, just to prevent drying)....should be ok.

Im thinking of putting a tray in the room with ice and letting it evaporate - reducing temp a little and adding to humidity.

not sure though.