bottom line is, there is something you can do to minimize YOUR risk in this endevour, GET LEGAL, PRONTO! like yesterday!!! then if popped, they might just take the plants that exceed the county guidelines for quanitty. btw, i live in nor cal and run 1 1ooowt lite and all the associated fans, pumps, AC and my bill went from $175 p/mo to $350 p/mo and thats just one lite with a not very efficient ballast. You are running 4X as much as i am, that would put you at @ $700+ depending on the weather and the need for much more ac, dehue/hue and so on. Contrary to popular opinion, the power company does not have a hot line to the narco-cops and they wouldn't call if they did on someone whose bill was current anyways. Besides, they don't know if the place has been vacant and now there are eight people living there or what. The main thing to get your script, and to pay your power bill on time and never, ever, ever steal power in califonia! The stigma will officially stay with you the rest of your life unless you change your name or maybe move outta state.