in living color was great show
you can get old seasons of the 90's snl - Got em all, although we generally watch 'best of' episodes.
my name is earl - Got em but never tried it yet
sunny in philidelphia - Just don't get this show, but it's in my archives
freaks and geeks was awsome - Agree, like a slightly updated Wonder Years
east bound and down -This one escaped my downloading, I'll check it out
the office -One of my favorites but couldn't get into the British version
Tom green show - Can't stand him, I have his old Canadian show, can't find the MTV ones to download
bevis and butthead - Hell yeah, took me forever to collect all these, and there coming back with new eps early next year!
futurama - Watch it but don't love it
ARRESTED DEVELPMENT - Second best show of all time, next to Strangers With Candy
Curb your enthusiasm - Also a favorite
bored to death - Not bad, I like Jonathan
how i met your mother - Don't watch it
parks and recreation - Not bad for an office clone
That 80's show - Yuck!
that 70's show - Burnt out on it
the big bang theory - One of my current favorites
the sarah silverman program - Classic and too bad it was canceled
king of the hill - Got em all, rarely watch em
mythbusters - Seen em all, +Play it when I need background noise
i've got like a terabyte of movies and tv shows I cycle through