mr sunshine
Well-Known Member
Yea i agree and u know they had crews their repainting the walls!
I have but one question, can someone explain how a small amount of jet fuel and a rather small impact in reference to the statute of the building could have cut those steel columns, both internal and external. The answer is it didn't, it would have taken 15 more planes like that to bring those buildings down from just fire alone, and the fire would have not burned with the intensity long enough to accomplish that in the short amount of time from the first impact to the fall.
It takes heat far greater than anything that would have been generated from the airliner and it's contents, it takes thermite or some new evil equivalent to accomplish that, jet fuel will not ever burn hot enough or long enough to do that, so all I say is the fucking planes had a lot of internal help to bring those buildings down and where that help came from is everybody's guess.
After arguing with a few people in another thread I thought I needed to make a new thread about this. I have been reading a lot about the entire situation. I have been reading web sites on both sides of the camp. I don't want to just reaffirm the opinion I have, I wanted to get opinions from both sides and investigate the facts for myself. Especially since I believed the whole thing was put to rest years and years ago. After doing all this I have come to this conclusion: anyone that believes 911 was an inside job is a full blown retard. It is not a mistake in calculations, or an error in judgement. You have systematically denied every piece of evidence that clearly points to what actually happened. You have ignored relevant evidence, and instead cherry picked what you think is evidence to support your outlandish claim. Every single point of evidence from the truthers that I checked into, without exception, was either a flat out lie, a misperception of the physical evidence caused by a misunderstanding (or total lack of understanding) of the processes/forces/chemistry involved, or was not logical.
There are people that believe the media was complicit in the plan. That they were fed a news script to read. That cnn reported that wtc 7 fell a full hour before it actually fell. This absolutely blows my mind. The notion that the reporters were in on and were fed scripts is preposterous. I can't even fathom the jump in logic for this particular case. The premise doesn't even make sense. Why would you feed cnn a script about what was happening? Couldn't you just blow the tower up and cnn would naturally report it when it actually fell? I don't know how to debunk this one because it doesn't even make sense.