95% isopropyl alcohol. Hash questions

Kind of sums it up if you ask me. Exactly what I would expect from recreational users. Not putting recreational use down or anything. I am more familiar with medicinal use.

I assure you, here in northern Michigan, if there is a medicating tent set up at a festival, and the festival is directed toward medicinal use, there would be little to no BHO or rosin there. There also would not be much smoking going on either. It would be more directed toward vaporizing and ingesting. The majority would be iso and alcohol products here in northern MI.

If what you say is true, that iso extractions are the lowest grade possible, why has it not been proven online or in person? Because it is more a matter of the product, who is making it, and opinion based.... I believe it is just your opinion that iso extractions suck. I would have to say you have not had the opportunity to sample a good iso extraction.

That is ok, we are all entitled to our opinions, and preferences.

I would put my vaporizers up against anybody's dabs, any day.

I do have a question when it comes to making rosin oil. Who is the poor individual who gets the damaged buds?
same goes for Rosin!!!
Unlike your ruined buds after making iso, you can make butter or even still smoke the smashed buds, hell you can even make ISO with it.LOL
same goes for Rosin!!!
Unlike your ruined buds after making iso, you can make butter or even still smoke the smashed buds, hell you can even make ISO with it.LOL

True, but also not. My buds are not ruined after making an iso or alcohol extraction. They have been fully exhausted of their medicinal properties though, which is exactly what I am looking for, 100% efficiency. I do not smash my buds when extracting. They instantly break apart, no smashing necessary, just simply shake the jar.

What would you use or make to treat or manage a debilitating illness such as cancer? It is not all about smoking, and getting high. A lot of patients need to be under the influence 24/7. I don't believe one would get that with rosen.
True, but also not. My buds are not ruined after making an iso or alcohol extraction. They have been fully exhausted of their medicinal properties though, which is exactly what I am looking for, 100% efficiency. I do not smash my buds when extracting. They instantly break apart, no smashing necessary, just simply shake the jar.

What would you use or make to treat or manage a debilitating illness such as cancer? It is not all about smoking, and getting high. A lot of patients need to be under the influence 24/7. I don't believe one would get that with rosen.
I would make straight butter before I ever press it if I was making medicine. I certainly wouldn't use rubbing alcohol.
you realize every single medicine is made with a solvent right? i use isopropanol daily which is why im so fond of it
and i mean at my workplace
I would make straight butter before I ever press it if I was making medicine. I certainly wouldn't use rubbing alcohol.

None of my patients have had success with butter. Edibles do work for some, I will not deny that.

I use 200 proof organic alcohol... No heat, and fully decarbed and possesses full medicinal properties. It tastes great and can be eaten, smoked, vaped, and used topically too.

Don't judge a book by its cover. It stays liquid due to the high volume of terpenes being present.
QWET-ND_Sap 11-2-14 027.jpg
None of my patients have had success with butter. Edibles do work for some, I will not deny that.

I use 200 proof organic alcohol... No heat, and fully decarbed and possesses full medicinal properties. It tastes great and can be eaten, smoked, vaped, and used topically too.

Don't judge a book by its cover. It stays liquid due to the high volume of terpenes being present.
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that's great, i never said a word about what you do, Hell, I never even said anything bad about iso, if you reread all my posts,lol
None of my patients have had success with butter. Edibles do work for some, I will not deny that.

I use 200 proof organic alcohol... No heat, and fully decarbed and possesses full medicinal properties. It tastes great and can be eaten, smoked, vaped, and used topically too.

Don't judge a book by its cover. It stays liquid due to the high volume of terpenes being present.
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My favorite dabs are qwiso shatter dabs rolled in the little bit of oil that gets pulled out with the ISO. Stupid flavorful, and insanely potent. That oil looks awesome!
you realize every single medicine is made with a solvent right? i use isopropanol daily which is why im so fond of it
and i mean at my workplace
Wait in a actual medical lab facility they're not using a revlon hair straightener to make a pure medicine? Science be damned, blasphemy!
this is what you sound like

"I spent all this time and money to make my extracts and then someone came along and showed people how to do it better with a hair straightener, now I am so angry, i have to call people names on the internet."
i think i hear it coming for you bro, yep, there it is

Except you've yet to show a extract that is even close to mine, I'll post again for the 3rd time maybe it will sink in this time, come on let's see your best shit clownbaby
well, Mr. Butthurt namecaller, I could post a pic of the best shit you ever smoked and all you will do is talk shit because of the hurt that is in your ass.