96 x Casey Jones - 6 x 600watt HPS - new grow room

Hi guys,

Just finished building my grow room and transplanted the clones to 3 gallon containers. I cut the clones 15 days ago and they rooted very well. There are 96 x casey jones under 6 x 600watt HPS, 16 plants per lamp. I have a 3250 outlet with a 3250 carbon filter and 1500 inlet. I know it's a little too much but i had the equipment from another project that went wrong (neighbors). Here are the first pics...




We're at day 5 of vegetation and things are looking good. Temperature between 68 and 77, humidity around 60% and a little fan is making the ladies dance to create a strong stem. I watered them five days ago and not yet since. Just sprayed the leaves with water a few times a day.

I topped my plants today because casey jones is 80% sativa so it will grow very tall. Now it will start developing more side branches, stay small and bushy and develop many top colas. Growth is slowed down for a few days as the marijuana plants adjust to the shock of being topped. After a few days, when the leaves touch each other, i will change the light cycle to 12/12. What do you guys think about topping? Here are some pics...


Hi Guys,

The girls are doing great. Nice dark green colors and growing steady. After the transplant last week i overwatered them (on purpose) to let them dry out completely so they are really 'thirsty'. Two days ago i watered them from below so the roots had to grow down towards the water. I always do this and i get great results, check these pics...

Soil is dried out completely. See crack between soil and pot. Don't wait until plants are drooping

Put 1 inch layer of water on the floor

Roots before watering

Roots a few days later. Nice!

If there's still some water on the floor after two days you have to pump it back out. Now i just water them every few days with pH 6.2 water with some nitrogen and phosphorus. I think i'll switch to 12/12 this weekend.


Flowering Day 3


I installed a fluorescent light to get better quality pictures. Temp and humidity are perfect and they look happy.

Beautiful field of green. Within a week you can't see through

Topped successful. Many side branches and healthy plant

Flowering time is 9 weeks and casey jones is 80% sativa. That's why i topped them. I made a 40 second video on youtube, check it out if you like... http://youtu.be/HL5Cbtd4G5g


Flowering day 8

They get water (pH 6.2) every 2-3 days and there seem to be no problems. Still growing and the first signs of flowers are showing. Here are some pics


Same plant as last week

First flowers are showing



Well-Known Member
MAn this is a awesome grow, mind if I ask if it is commercial or residential?
i love sea of greens and you my friend have the best one on here right now.
keep up the good work.
Hi Guys,

My Casey Jones are still doing fine. Temperature and humidity are perfect and they drink a lot of water. I super cropped them today just to make sure all plants are the same height but it's also a great pruning technique (check this manual by simpsonsampson420). Here are some pictures.

@doublatake It's residential and thanks for the complement :)

Still growing

Squeeze the stem to soften it, don't break it

And bend it

No yellow leaves or red stems

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late update but i was in France for a little while and my girlfriend is expecting our baby any day now. It has been very hot in Amsterdam, over 95 degrees during the day (i run at night) so i had to turn off some lights but they're doing great. Buds are getting really hard and sticky and still 3 weeks left so it can become a great harvest...

