Here's the short version of my problem. I bought a bottle of 99% ISO alcohol and gathered up about 50 grams of trim and such. I froze my trim jar, alcohol, trim in the freezer. Poured the cooled alcohol in the jar with the trim, shook 45 seconds. Poured contents of jar through spaghetti strainer. Poured resulting liquid through a filter/funnel into a Pyrex. The super cold trim contaminant and kief kept sticking to all the equipment and filter, so I needed to use more alcohol to clean it off. Then I ran out of alcohol. Eventually I started using water to rinse. (I'll just let it evaporate I thought, I could have done this with 70% alcohol, so water should be fine) Eventually everything in the filter system got logged with gunk, and I pretty much brewed a strong tea towards the end and it got into my Pyrex. The water to alcohol ratio made it less potent than vodka I'd estimate for the last half of the run. Filter broke. Finer particulate plant matter seeped in. Couldn't get materials in time to do anything futher. Now I have a Pyrex of brown sticky liquid. A mixture of the original extraction, plus this "tea" and water and fine plant particles. So I let it set 3 days to see if it would reduce. Not much evaporation. Put Pyrexdouble boiler earlier. No more, or very little alcohol left since I brought substance to a boil eventually. Now liquid is pretty much and smells like burnt weed tea. Sides of Pyrex is sticky/burnt kind of from heat and fine trim from the original waterline all the way down. Resulting reduction smells and looks like muddy water. Sticky bottom. Dark, very dark. Fine plant matter. What have I created? It's gross. I wanted QWISO hash and this became garbage. Can I get more alcohol and use it as a solvent and give the entire Pyrex a wash, sides and all, run it through some coffee filters, and do something with the resulting liquid? Strain it completely and increase the alcohol volume substantially and let it dry out in a new Pyrex and see if there is anything salvageable? There has to be a decent amount of THC somewhere here.