9k first grow

mr doe

instead of putting the plants thru stress, bend the tallest grow tips over, squeeze the stem and fold her over gently for the sake of an even canopy, plus this will get light to the lower part of the plant, unless your topping just for multiple colas. your main concern though should be the temps and water
today it was 79* with the lights on, i run them 4-10am. What temps should my water be? ill look into the water chillers/co2


New Member
Hey,when veggin ur clones,u want to try and manage height so u have a more even canopy and u want to flower clones until at least 6-12" when sog,want to keep res water at room temp or cooler,just get sum heavy duty ziplock bags,fill with water,freeze,then put in ur reservoir to keep cool,this is a cheap and effective way to prevent root rot and hot res.hope this helps ya bud:bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey,when veggin ur clones,u want to try and manage height so u have a more even canopy and u want to flower clones until at least 6-12" when sog,want to keep res water at room temp or cooler,just get sum heavy duty ziplock bags,fill with water,freeze,then put in ur reservoir to keep cool,this is a cheap and effective way to prevent root rot and hot res.hope this helps ya bud:bigjoint:
Make sure the plastic bags are clean, I tried this method and something from my kitchen counter must have found its way onto the bag because it killed one of my plants. I noticed the residue on the bag afterwards :(


Well-Known Member
ideal water temps should be 65-68F, within this range the water will be able to hold the most dissolved oxygen it can, im suprised with all the veterans who posted on your thread noone asked about, thank god you got those temps down, was it the larger a/c that did it? if so whats the btus you run? depending on the placment of your rez's if they are in the shade and room temp is in the 70's your water should be ok, just keep on top of it


Well-Known Member
Hey,when veggin ur clones,u want to try and manage height so u have a more even canopy and u want to flower clones until at least 6-12" when sog,want to keep res water at room temp or cooler,just get sum heavy duty ziplock bags,fill with water,freeze,then put in ur reservoir to keep cool,this is a cheap and effective way to prevent root rot and hot res.hope this helps ya bud:bigjoint:

its just too much of a battle, and unreliable, i used 2 liter bottles and they would only go for a couple hours, this method enslaves you, its one thing when your tight for cash, and another when you spent all the time and money to do it right from jump street. once you have control of your environmentals you own the op, the other way if temps are always out of your grasp the op owns you


Well-Known Member
Mr Doe deserves props...

But I am concerned...

If Mr. Doe decides that everyone knows a lot, and decides to listen to everyone at the same time, things are going to get tricky...

Mr Doe, My recommendation to you is to find a MENTOR... you need a proven recipe to follow... a whole system, from day to ne to harvest that can be replicated...

Individually, most of what's been said is correct. but as a whole, there's a lot of info from different recipes....

Just because the "chicken goes with teriaky" doesn't mean your gonna use it on your chocolate cake"...

Kudos to everyone that is helping you, but I assure you... if you find a proven method, and you follow it to the "T".. you will have the success you want on the first run...

I did what I am telling you to do... and look at my grow... I'm a newb too, 6 months under my belt...

Again, I am not harping on anyone... but have you ever noticed that when you go learn something somewhere, there is usually 1 teacher to several students... not the other way around...

I wish the best of luck and that you find the recipe for your grow quickly...



Well-Known Member
chocolate cake teriyaki sounds go mofo, wtf you talkin bout? remember i am the guy who uses hygrozyme on chinese food as a substitute for soy sauce -)

mr doe

Mr Doe deserves props...

But I am concerned...

If Mr. Doe decides that everyone knows a lot, and decides to listen to everyone at the same time, things are going to get tricky...

Mr Doe, My recommendation to you is to find a MENTOR... you need a proven recipe to follow... a whole system, from day to ne to harvest that can be replicated...

my friend has the same setup but he lives 12hrs away, he comes by once a week to help out. All the info I get from you guys I run it thru him.....

the new ac i put in is a 24,000btu and the small one is 11,000btu. the room was at 70* today, I think the water should be fine.


Well-Known Member

I am so glad you have a guide...:clap:

You'll do good... and get better and better...

Best of luck Bro! I'll be lurking...:eyesmoke:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
suscribed. I only wish I could have a space large enough to actually walk around the plants. I have to take all mine out to water or feed. Heat is always an issue for me in the summers months.

On another note. Your mudding and taping looks better than mine:mrgreen: I hate hanging sheetrock.

Nice job, especially for the first go:clap:


Well-Known Member
you got some big ass balls man! good luck hope you can pull some serious poundage, its a hell of a way to start out,much props.:)

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
my friend has the same setup but he lives 12hrs away, he comes by once a week to help out. All the info I get from you guys I run it thru him.....

the new ac i put in is a 24,000btu and the small one is 11,000btu. the room was at 70* today, I think the water should be fine.
It's great you have a model to go by.
I'm sure it helped out alot.
Do you know how much your friend usually harvest's??


Well-Known Member
has anyone here tried something like this? ...

it would be nice to control almost everything from my pc.

You and my buddy SOG need to have a chat...:lol:

every aspect of the grow room and grow stage is controlled remotely through a PC
the system sample and loges the entire op every 5 minutes
this is then presented in a continues cool graph that shows
what was/is on, when was triggered on/off, and much much more
i will know exactly what happens with my room every second of the day, past and present!

ooh, i forgot to mention alerts via text messaging ,
and the ability to control all this off my cell phone ;-)

now...! what did you say about me cant be away from my op?:rolleyes:

once i get this dialed in and save some $$$
the next phase will be to integrate IntelliDose
to automate the whole nuts and watering/flushing process

Yes possible :mrgreen:

well... here it is,
my long awaited room is up and running
