9th Week of Flowering and bud leaves are turning yellow... Help!

If I eat a banana, and you cannibalize me, I don't taste like banana. There is not free floating banana in my blood, just potassium/nutrients that my stomach pulled from it. The banana goes out as waste. I feel a root works in a similar way, leaving the waste in the soil and taking the things it can use as building blocks and fuel. Shit is not floating around in the plant, but I am sure there are high levels of NPK and Micro nutrients from that shit traveling in the water.

Does this nutrient water leave during drying and curing? I have no idea, I just know the water does. If you are constantly consuming something made from NPK I am not sure why you would worry about there being more NPK in it. The dying leaves you have at the end from flushing are releasing NPK into the stem to go to buds so I think you still have free floating nutrients at harvest either way.

-Stoned Broscience

Edit: Seems worth the plumping and resins to me. Typos.
Well, maybe this question would be better off in the political section. I have to ask anyways. Are you retarded? Seriously. This thread is older than my kid.....

Lol did you see what I posted? You responded to that and you're asking me if I'm retarded? Seriously? Lemme guess, you're the type of person who reads comments, sees 500 people saying the thread is old, but yet still has to remind everyone that the thread is old...

Also, who cares how old a thread is? Our American constitution is almost 300 years old. Imagine if everyone acted like you anytime a new amendment was added. .lmao hey you better write an anal retentive letter to Google explaining to them how "old threads" are showing up at the top of their search engine lol

Oh what, should I have found one that was created 2 weeks ago to add "taste great less filling" to? I thought it was obvious by my first post that I was making this thread out to be an argument in futility with some humor added. But it seems that went waaaaay over your head.

But. The. Thread. Is . Old. Got it captain obvious (or oblivious depending how you look at it)

Here's a little test question for you... do you know the exact reason why some, NOT ALL, forums are against "necro posting"? Or are you only parroting what you've read/heard?
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