Sex : Feminized
Type : Indica / Sativa, Mostly indica
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : Lineage ak-47/black domina/mazar
Flowering Time : Medium
Outdoor Harvest : not known
Height : Medium
THC Level : 20%
Characteristics : Flavour Noble wood, Medicinal value Very high
After many years of crossbreeding, World of Seeds lounches one of polihibrids more appreciated by its breeders. It´s a cross that preserves more noble genetics and highest valued among cannabis conneussairs due to its high germination procentage, plague resistance, short flowering periods, high THC and CBD contents and exceptional flavour. The genetics of this variety starts with the clones originated from Afghanistan whose genes has contributed excellent crops and short frowering periods. Those femails of selected clones have been crossbred with the males of homogeneus genetis of AK47 and Black Domina. It brought in a unique flavour and aroma of powerfull effects. The result of this cross has been growned indoor, domesticating wild genes of landraces and than has been treated with STS tecnology ceeded by Natural Products and Seeds and Life laboratories in Amstardam, giving birth to polihibrid F1, ultrastable, with the genes completely suitable with indoor growth and mid clima, and with its quimiotype unified in flavour and fragrance.
Bank Worldofseeds
Genotype 75% indica / 25% sativa
THC >20%
Indoor Harvest Time 6 weeks
Flavour Noble wood
Way of cropping Ind/Out
Production 450-600 gr indoor / 450-600 gr outdoor
Smell High
Efect No
Resistance to mold High
Outdoor Harvest Time mid-September
Resistance to plagues High
Sex Feminized
Lineage ak-47/black domina/mazar
Irrigation tolerancy High
Medicinal value Very high