!!!!___nutrient question____!!! Dwc project

thread hijacking?

Do the foliar spray bit. If there are no roots, the plant will appreciate the feed in the leaves. Usually people only foliar feed with nutes once a week. Getting a wetting agent! They pretty much make foliar feeding effective.
thread hijacking?

Do the foliar spray bit. If there are no roots, the plant will appreciate the feed in the leaves. Usually people only foliar feed with nutes once a week. Getting a wetting agent! They pretty much make foliar feeding effective.

No thread hi jacking just figured if I had a nutrient question it would be answered quickly in this thread , takes a long time to get a answer sometimes. These plants have roots .
Say BH, if that 580ppm is too hot then take 2 gallons out and replace it with your R/O water ph'd the same as the nute solution still in the bucket.
:shock:"Stop hijacking my shit" :shock:


Anyways, I am still working on my little side project and she (Clone 2) is coming out great... Better than the other Clone 1 actually, she is still smaller since she did root way after Clone 1 did but now Clone 2 is looking better, more green, no leaf discoloration, no signs of any problems... Perfect dark green leaves with new bright green growth... :)

Clone 1 on the other hand is still looking the same as she was, still in alittle of nutrient pain it looks like... I am not sure if it is a deficiency or what, I added about 1/2 a tablespoon of Epsom salt and am I waiting on the results... I also stopped foliage feeding her in case I was over doing it... I cut back the bottom fan leaves so that she can have alittle re leaf from the deadening shit...

Any suggestions on both Clone 1 and Clone 2...? :confused:
Look at pictures below for a reference... Just looking for some advice or suggestions on what I should do to either Clone...

Clone Pic 017.jpgClone 1 - Not doing so well... :leaf:
Clone Pic 031.jpgClone 2 - Looking great! :leaf:
Sorry about that jack move Iz !

First, NEVER NEVER foliar feed clones !
You want them to focus their energy in producing roots while SLOWLY consuming the little foliage you allow them to have in the beginning.
If you feed them from above, why should they be in any hurry to grow roots in order to find food ?

Second, plain distilled or r/o water isnt enough. Keep ppm's low ( 100 or less ).
Hopefully you used a cloning gel, since they adhere the longest.
It would help to drop some Superthrive in the water. Helps w/ shock plus has plenty of B-complex vits and other goodies.
And a cloning solution can never hurt either, since they are made for such purposes as opposed to gels and powders.
Those hormones popping and misting onto the pots and medium gets things moving too.
Use one or the other or any combo/all 3.

JMHO. Hope this helps some

For faster rooting. Take your 45 cut on the stem, right under a node. Snip the 2 branches that make up the node, flush to the stem.
Now when you dip the stem, you'll have 3 possible places for roots to develope.
It helps to have 1 or 2 of these nodes getting bubbles for roots. And 1 or 2 above the medium, with the leaves trimmed in half.
Trimming leaves in half slows the plants transpiration. Transpiration allows the flow of nutes from the roots to the leaves.
Slow down the flow of food, and it wants to grow roots, more roots to help search for food.
What does everyone think about if I mixed Hydroton with Coco Coir and used that as my medium....? Would it mold quickly or cause mold at all...? Would it also make my water all nasty and gunk up my shit...?

Any grow medium mix ideas are welcome, I am trying to make a custom grow medium suitable for my next batch of seeds...
x10 Feminized Big Bang Seeds on there way here very very soon...!
I am also going to make a new DWC/Drip/Aeroponic Setup for some of them, probably a 4 site setup, a 2 site setup and 4 site single setups... Still thinking on it tho... :leaf:
Update 003.jpgUpdate 005.jpgUpdate 012.jpgClone 1 - She is doing so good at all.... WHAT DO I DO EVERYONE!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update 001.jpgClone 2 - She is doing great, I don't know what the difference is tho because I am doing everything the same... All I did was separate them...
It's fried.
Pretty bad too. If and when it recovers, the yield is already affected.
As well as overall growth. It will be stunted to some degree in other words.
I'd pull it unless you just want to "see" what happens.
So there is no hope for her at all....? If she goes then I will be left with only 1 clone... That's all...

I need help every one, what can I do...?
Yes there are updates for these Clones, check it out.... :leaf:

So Clone 1 and Clone 2 have still taken quite a beating but they are both still with us believe it or not... I went out got different containers, new air pumps and tubing, new air stones, just kinda went to town and got more stuff for my growing needs... I also have 15 seeds of BIG BANG I am playing with also at the moment (READ MY OTHER THREAD "BIG BANG DWC/SOIL GROW")

There is still a problem with Clone 1 but I think she will make it through with very little budding, maybe a 20 or 30 sack if that... LOL, either way I am not letting her go... The leaves as you can see, the bottom set are still yellowing from time to time and I keep trimming them back as it dies, the TOP of the Clone is doing great so far... New growth, healthy and green looking :) Love it!!!

There maybe hope still for her... As for Clone 2 I think she's a goner, I transplanted her into a soil medium for the hell of it to see if maybe I could go that route but I am unsure if she is going to survive... Both of them are only being fed pH'ed water for the moment (pH 5.3 to 5.4)

Big Bang Seed 060.jpgBig Bang Seed 054.jpgBig Bang Seed 077.jpg CLONE 1

As for Clone 2 there is still a lot going wrong as far as I can tell, like I said above I transplanted her into a soil medium that I mixed up containing no nutrients of any sort and just feeding her pH'ed water... I don't have pictures of the transplant yet just of her when she was in the DWC Setup for the last day and also undergoing a small testing of LST...

I don't think she is going to make it but if she does it will be a miracle... :)
Check out her pictures the last day she was in the DWC Setup, I will upload new pictures of her here in a couple days or so...

Big Bang Seed 022.jpgBig Bang Seed 074.jpg CLONE 2