A £10 grow room only 1 hour build, needed some temporary extra space quick!


Active Member
Hi all, I have 2 full grow rooms but got some little ones who are suffering without a home, my answer?

£5 cardboard box double walled with metal bar for hangers,

Cut a door and paint inside white,

Cut some air vents in side at bottom,

Cut hole in side at top for fan, I used a hole saw,

Screw in £2 PC fan, power from any old phone charger transformer or bigger 5v-18v dc 0.3A(300mA),

Get an old black t-shirt,

Cut a square out and stick over passive intake vent for bug screen,

£1 = 3 x 11w CFL from pound shop, solder the wire onto bulbs and insulate very very well with plastic tape,

Stick some little babys in to grow and check temps,

£2 left for timer and extension lead from a pound shop!

What do ya think? cheap n cheerfull, lol :roll:


Well-Known Member
NICE! but that light seems kind of scary, if those lights were to just fall out you would have live, bare wires hanging in your grow box, a really huge fire hazard, not to mention the broken glass scattered around and your damaged babies! could have made it a 15 pound grow box and add some sockets! lol



Active Member
I would have used lamp holders but I havent got any to hand. Im an electrician and I trust my soldering and eletrical tapeing 100% else it could go bad!

glad ya like it, tryin 4 the cheapist grow box ever! lol


Well-Known Member
lol, i would be even more worried if you weren't confident in your electrical taping abilities! +rep for making the cheapest grow box in the history of grow boxes!



Will definatley be taking some tips from this thread , thats just the kind of budget im working to !


Active Member
Thanks 4 all ya comments! I could have done it better but only wanted 1 hour construction time,

It aint what ya can do its how little ya can do! lol

Temps are at a steady 21oC, 50% RH now so should be near ideal soon coz I put a damp towl inside to bring RH to 60%.

+ rep back at ya newbud! :-)


Active Member
Nice Essex, that would have been awesome b4 i decided 2 stopped trying the cheap approach and started doing it the easy way. Lol, which is spend more money to do less work=]


Active Member
Nice Essex, that would have been awesome b4 i decided 2 stopped trying the cheap approach and started doing it the easy way. Lol, which is spend more money to do less work=]
I normaly spend a bit to get things right, but this is a temporary room. dont think I could have done less work if I tryed only took 1 hour!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
he he nice work m8 that should work great but £5 for a cardboard box ??? are you made of money lol
should av been a £5 grow box with 2 walkers crisp boxes from local corner shop lol but deffinatly worth sum + rep


Active Member
Its a double walled with a metal bar in top for coat hangers! (or hangin lights, lol) I dont skimp!!! lmao :-)

+rep back at ya m8!