A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

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swing and a miss for rockwool again al......

totally kidding...i know better, but i'm glad i'm not the only one who has problems with it.
oh man, everyone has trouble with RW cubes until they're well practised (and sometimes even after then...), but wilt right after cutting isn't unique to RW. The 6hr dark period post cutting usually prevents it.
Dr VonD reasonably should kick my ass. I have gone back over the early part of this thread and have found that I omitted the instruction to give clones 6h in darkness immediately post-cutting. :(

It's not all lost, though. If the clones don't 'inflate' with water soon, they can be re-cut and then given a 6h nap. They should come good.
I think you did mention the dark period in your original clone post-I just forgot but for some reason I was thinking that your clone box was close to or part of your flowering room and had a really high R/H---I saved the wilted clones by spraying with water and throwing a humidity dome over them. Next time I will try the 6 hours of darkness without the domes-It wasn't that big of a deal-just replacing my old mothers. All the suggestions and info makes a lot of sense but I would still have to guess your humbility is fairly high in your clonebox area--->50%R/H ????. Anyway thanks again and talk to you soon(more copies of the FUCT engineering DIY's going on as well as some studies into max cfm rating's of different sizes and lengths of ducts:lol:)
Well, I couldn't find my mention of the dark period. Sorry about that.

There's 2 ways of coping with the immediately post-cutting wilt, either temporarily increase the humidity (as you did) or temporarily reduce the transpiration (as I do).

The RH in my clonebox varies, depends on how often the vent fan has to run to hold the temps at 30C. I don't control it and don't usually pay attention to the RH, either. Keeping the temp consistently at 30C helps more than keeping the RH high. I'm sure that evaporation from the damp cubes raises the RH some, but I don't do anything purposeful to raise it.
Hey Al , and DR. D .... I live in a relitive dry rh area.... i always make sure i take clones less than 2 hrs. after watering .. if i dont ,i wilt every time... i can really tell the diference between cutting in the am or pm ... just one of those quirks you have to figure for your area , no 2 grows are the same, you must experiment .. I can only get al's clones to work at all ... small clones are gone in 10 min. good luck
Toast Master-
I get alot of pm's about cloning and refer about 99% of them to Al- Rockwool and cloning is not my forte----it's Al's as along with many other things--just like the Thomas registry or a good set of encyclopedias:lol:. The method works very well just some little tweaks I had to make for my area-As AL said the dark period would stabilize the water in the cutting. All my cuttings are doing well now without the humidity dome.
You guys have sorted out a pretty big issue with cannabis boards. Growers are located all over the planet with damn near every ambient condition you can have on any day of the year. There's invariably going to be some differences between how ops in different places operate. However, none of those differences should be attributed to mere personal preference, rather to differing available ambient conditions. Almost no grow room is a totally environmentally controlled chamber which presents perfect conditions all the time no matter what's going on outside.

When I was working in R&D, we DID have some environmental test chambers which you could set for an exact temp & RH and air volume exchange. Had heaters, aircon, humidifier and adjustable rate vent fans all built in and computer controlled. You could plunk it in the middle of the desert & make ice cubes in it or grow Spanish Moss in Antarctica. I would have killed for one, but they were worth $250,000 and were the size of a pickup truck...
Yaaaaa enviro chamber ohhh ya.. my wife says the bath room is my enviro chamber..she says if i turn that fan off im a dead man. lol....

one thing i have had to do latley is the clone stem is wobbling out the cube after a few handlings... dont know why.. i think the cubes have not been a dense as the last batches... ive been wraping a rubber band around the cube to keep it tight against the stem, seems to be working so far....
Al, u ever use this stuff...
It's Rockwool, but it's 2 different kinds.
One absorbs water, one repels water.
They say to mix togethe or use seperately.
Do u think this is a good idea or???
Yep, you can get both water absorbent and water repellent RW. I used the absorbent type for years before I found out there was a repellent type. :D

I'm not sure I would buy both sorts, the absorbent type alone seems to work.
You guys have sorted out a pretty big issue with cannabis boards. Growers are located all over the planet with damn near every ambient condition you can have on any day of the year. There's invariably going to be some differences between how ops in different places operate. However, none of those differences should be attributed to mere personal preference, rather to differing available ambient conditions. Almost no grow room is a totally environmentally controlled chamber which presents perfect conditions all the time no matter what's going on outside.
I am growing at 7K ft above sea level. The outside RH is usually about 12%. I am struggling right now with nute levels...I think the difference in the DO of the solution is causing me to have to "throttle back" the juice. I can't wait until it starts snowing and the outside temp is always around -2C and the humidity is <10% all the time!!!

Just another example of how each grow op is different. I wish I could "hermetically" seal my room and artificially control EVERY aspect of the environment...as U did Al!!! But for now, I have to modify my MO to match the environment I have chosen to grow in!

Thanks again Al!!!
I haven't succeeded in controlling every environmental aspect of my op, but the last time I moved it, I raised its elevation close to 3000ft above its last location.... like free aircon. :)

I still want one of those environmental chambers. :D
hey, i know this isnt the right thread but the other closed i have fungas gnats and read using h2o2 and water mix will kill them but cant find how much to use per gallon of water... could you tell me?
H2O2 will not be effective as an insecticide. Don't know who told you that, but they are mistaken. H2O2 will control mould & fungus, eliminating a food source, but won't kill larvae or adult gnats.
Hey Al, I almost have my room done...
Just a few more Q's for u if u have a sec...

1 gal pots will be sufficient for SOG, correct?

Do I need to change the nutes/res water every week or every 2 weeks?

Do I need to flush with plain water for a week at the end?
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