A beautiful discovery


Of course, I enjoy the plant. My roommates have discussed growing, but today when a relative in Michigan announced they had found a neat little 5-leaf plant growing in their yard, I was quite excited. The person has agreed to keep it watered until I can visit and either harvest it or relocate it

So....since I know nothing about this

What instructions should I give them? The plant is only one leaf, about 2-3 inches tall. I believe there may be a handfull of them

How can I identify it? Strain, gender, etc?
its not bud one leave that doesnt even make sense it has 2 leaves with no fingers at first then 3 fingers then five after a few sets of 3 then 7 then 9 i dont no if u have aids or what but ur getting way to exited u cant tell strain and gender will come at maturity strain if ur good at it when the plants harvested ull no by sight and dont fuck around and start a grow u cock
its not bud one leave that doesnt even make sense it has 2 leaves with no fingers at first then 3 fingers then five after a few sets of 3 then 7 then 9 i dont no if u have aids or what but ur getting way to exited u cant tell strain and gender will come at maturity strain if ur good at it when the plants harvested ull no by sight and dont fuck around and start a grow u cock

wait did you say aids? as in HIVZ?
Straight out of the ground with a 5 finger, palmate serrated leaf..... I might know what that is. You could have yourself some Cannabis Vine.... Sometimes called "Loopy Humorous". It grows some super sticky flowers!!!!
i actually lol @ lakaicorey112 replied.

leave the plant alone if it got that big on it's own then spend more of ur time researching. depending where you are it might be late in the season for outdoor growth.
I think its one set of palmate serrated leaves. That's how I interpreted it.

If its what I think it is... yes it does pop out with leaves like that. Yes, this plant is cannabaceaes.... and YES it does grow sticky-icky flowers.
its not bud one leave that doesnt even make sense it has 2 leaves with no fingers at first then 3 fingers then five after a few sets of 3 then 7 then 9 i dont no if u have aids or what but ur getting way to exited u cant tell strain and gender will come at maturity strain if ur good at it when the plants harvested ull no by sight and dont fuck around and start a grow u cock

Please learn the proper use of the English language before you go insulting someone or try to give them advice. It really just makes you look bad. I'm sure quite a few people have already chuckled at your atrocious sentence structure. Texting is for phones mmmkay?

To the original poster,

It's a bit late in the season to be trying an outdoor grow that will yield big results. The sex of the plants won't be known until their flowing stage which occurs when the plants get less sunlight(Usually around 12 hours or less). This should happen somewhere between September or October depending on the location.

Depending on the Soil, watering Every 2-3 days should be sufficient but its hard to say with out more information. Are they in pots or straight in the ground? What type of soil is being used?

Strain is going to be hard to determine. There's a ton out there and usually you won't know specific traits until flowering has begun. Most plants get their name from their appearance, color or smell.

Take Trainwreck for example. It's named appropriately so because it likes to stretch out all over the place and it literally looks like a train wreck happened in your room. Contrary to popular belief, it was not a mysterious strain found at a train wreck site. (Sorry guys)

I would honestly look up as much information as you can here from the pros and sticky threads. Relay that information to the caregiver until you're able to adopt them.

Take care,

- DiGGy
its not bud one leave that doesnt even make sense it has 2 leaves with no fingers at first then 3 fingers then five after a few sets of 3 then 7 then 9 i dont no if u have aids or what but ur getting way to exited u cant tell strain and gender will come at maturity strain if ur good at it when the plants harvested ull no by sight and dont fuck around and start a grow u cock

you sir, are a dick
yeah yo kid got aids

I'm kinna supprised at your replys here man , Its clear from other posts you have made here that you know your stuff and have been helpful , But your last few posts have been a bit bizzar ... Ether somone has hijacked your login ... or you have some kind of MPD :)
Chill ... we like the old you :)

To the OP .... Welcome to RiU :)

Don't get to excited ... it might just be a fern :) ... ask them to take a quick pic ... and show us what you got .... i have a feeling it's not MJ though ... But kinna hopeing it is :)

Tell your relative to just leave it be ... it got this far on its own :)

Good Luck and again welcome to RiU :)
Ok... OK.. I will stop pulling the OP's chain. The plant I am refering to that it could be is HOP's. Canibidacea Lupis Humulis. A cousin to Marijuana. It does grows smell, sticky, and hairy flowers if its a female. If its male, it just makes pollen.

When it first pops out of the ground it looks like an asparugus shoot {and tastes 10x better} then 5 fingered marijuana looking leaves pop out first, then the leaves start looking more like grape leaves.

An aggressive running Hops rhizome could conceivably travel a couple of houses over, from someone else's garden. OR it only traveled 10 ft or so... and the OP hasnt paid much attention to the nearby vine that kinda looks like grapes, but isnt.
Lol well, to most of you, thank you. You've saved the reputation of this forum and have been really helpful. To the first replier....yeah I'm really not insulted. You just look like an r-tard. Thanks for the good chuckle though.

If it's one of the cousin plants, is it still "useable" or just a similar looking weed in the ground? The property is off the main road and forested, so I think they're safe as far as getting caught with it.

Yes, the plant is growing right out of the ground. I may have misspoke (several times) about how many leaves. They are serrated and arranged in the shape of the typical pot leaf logo. Honestly, guys, all I know about weed is it comes to me in a dried out clump in a little bag from this guy i used to work with. The best stuff I've smoked is Arizona, and even that was pretty dried out. Never encountered this rumored "good stuff you can throw and stick against a wall." Don't know much about it's growth/flowering process/etc. Hence, I'm asking you guys for the info!

The general consensus is leave it be, let it grow on it's own, and maybe water periodically? I will have some pictures taken and share with the class soon!

Thanks guys
Alright.....so just a weed or The weed? Time to find out.

I got a better description of the plant. It's about 12-18 inches tall. Some short sprouts in the picture only have 5 leaves. I count 7 on the taller. The short guy has fatter leaves while the taller ones are pretty skinny and sawtoothed. My relative picked one of the dead/dried up sprouts, scanned it and sent me the picture.plant.jpg