A bent stock!


Active Member
Hey guys, ok so I had an accident on one of my females. She is two into flowering but is showing minimal amount of bud. Because the type of strain it is, it takes longer to flower. But the problem lies with my accident. I was doing some adjusting in my room and somehow this plant fell over breaking the stem towards the bottom of the plant. It did not snap all the way through but it did do a lot of damage in that one area. Now she is only like a foot and 1/2 and like i said she hasn't started to show buds. So what I did was reconnect the stem by two splints and tape. After returning from a few hours, all the leaves were drooped to its max. ability of drooping. Lol. So my question is if anyone thinks that it might heal itself by focusing on the area until its fixed and then itll pick back up and start to flower or not?


Active Member
id say that is exactly what will happen havent really seen that alot but the plante are very resilant

Brick Top

New Member
It depends on how severe the damage was and how much water and nutes can still travel up the stem to the plant and if it will be enough to keep it alive or not. Pot plants are pretty tough so there is a pretty decent chance it will survive but it is impossible to say for sure especially without being able to see a picture of the damage before repair.

You may want to try spraying the plant’s leaves with water so they can absorb some water like clones do before they root. It won’t be a lot of water taken in but it might be just enough to make the difference between life and death and also to lessen the shock.

Something else you may want to try is to use a product like Superthrive. It will help to reduce shock and also promote growth which is needed really bad right now for the plant to heal.