I wanted to send out a big thank you to the people on this website. I am a newbie to growing. The existing articles here and the advice you all offer when there is a problem is outstanding!
I have noticed that you guys love to help as long as the person asking is trying to help themselves.... Doing their own research and you all kick the shit out of someone that just wants everyone to do their homework for them. Lol. (I am glad I am a researcher by personality type. Haha. )
Anyway... A great big thank you to everyone! Sincerely!
I have noticed that you guys love to help as long as the person asking is trying to help themselves.... Doing their own research and you all kick the shit out of someone that just wants everyone to do their homework for them. Lol. (I am glad I am a researcher by personality type. Haha. )
Anyway... A great big thank you to everyone! Sincerely!