A bit of help please


Its getting worse everyday and have tried everything i can and nothing is working.
-4 weeks into flower
-pro-mix bx soil
-feed/flush with rain water
-flushed extensively and gave epsom salts (thought it was a mag def)
-regular feeds with fish emulsion
- ph of water = 7
- ph of runoff = 6.8
- Gave 1 feeding of bat shit about 3 weeks ago (thought it needed more P)
- about 27c with 50-60% humidity

Any ideas? Is it a def? the problem is moving fast from older leaves to younger leaves from bottom of the plant and working its way up. The leaves are crispy and some of the new growth is curling down as if the entire leaf is gone limp. Also there are two plants, both are same age and strain and both are on the exact same schedule and the other one has no problems so i am kinda stumped. Buds on this one are noticeably smaller and would like to correct this problem before its too late. Any help would be much appreciated


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Are you sure both plants have the same exact conditions? Did you germ them from seeds or are they from clones of the same mother. I am not sure of what the problem is, but when I was reading your post, I had Root trouble pop to mind. If they are from seeds, it might be that they are two different pheno's (spl)
Sorry I am not any help. I stick with Coco myself.


Well-Known Member
how much did you spend on ur ph meter... id say ph or nute problems. but unless you spent alot on that meter it wont be accurate


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I have seen PH meters out of calibration by as far is 2 full points.
My $100 one is way off damn thing almost cost me a grow. I'd have to say either way start ph'ing your water at around 6.5, other than that it looks like possibly a P deficiency, especially after a flushing.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
These two PH meters are the Best bang for the Money I have ever seen. Yopu can get the less expesive one for under $37. The really good one with temp. compensation and all for $45.

http://www.sperdirect.com/cgi-bin/item/850050/-pH-Pen%3A-Large-Display -----Less expensive

http://www.sperdirect.com/cgi-bin/item/850051/-pH-Pen:-Large-Display-with-ATC ----- Little more with temperature compensation and reading. This is the one I bought, and am very happy with it for over a year. Holds calibration very well.


Well-Known Member
U should use BUFFER 7 for calibrate it first then use.....(ph meter) ...
I used german buffer I will attach the name so....I didn't remember



Well-Known Member
stop using the epsom salt, to much Mg magnesium blocks out Mn manganese and vice versa. you have Mn deficiency; the leaves try and close along yellow with yellow veins usualy.


Definatly a PH issue. I am gonna say that the ph has MG locked out....
Thats what i thought, I used a soil ph test and water solution test (fish tank ph kit). both tests were done and both returned the same results. even on other plants the tests seemed very accurate (nothing wrong with the other plant). since I thought it was a MG problem I tried correcting it but as it turns out I did more harm than good, the problem is now made its way to the top of the plant and now new leaves are showing serious problems. In the past week this plant has rapidly declined in whatever deficiency it has. Honestly it looks like I wont have much of a plant by next week.
The more I try to correct it the worse it gets. I think I got i bit excited/scared and over-corrected the problem which may mean other problems have risen due to fucking with it to much.


Well-Known Member
ya...the flush should definitely help...i''d say over fertilization cause this. looks like they have been given to much nitrogen.