So I stumbled across this site after a recent layoff, I had wanted to try and pick up a few tips on drying and curing and couldnt help feeling like I have hit the jackpot when I found it. Thanks for the great tips on harvesting. So I have decided to return the favor and lend my 15+ years of experience as a commercial/industrial electrician to try and answer any questions you have regarding wiring issues, lighting placement/intensity/spectrum, control wiring, power factors, heat dissapation, techniques and anything you can come up with dealing with ohms amps or voltage. I also retain an expert knowledge of electronic security/intrusion protection for those that wish to protect their babies from prying eyes and fingers
So give me a good question, im really bored and no one is hiring, and my babies are flowering so ive got nothing to do but sit here and spread the wisdom.... hope to see some good questions, some of the solutions I have seen regarding electrical problems on here have been ingenious and creative, however the majority i have seen leave me with a wierd feeling in my stomach, like the type you get when you know something is going to go wrong and bad things happen but theres nothing you can do about it... And I hate that! So give me your best shot, and I will do my best to answer your questions with solutions that are not only practical and easy, but SAFE!