A Canadian Perspective

The point is not what happened to Bush, the point being made was that before Obama was even sworn in, Sen. McConnell stated that the Republicans had no desire to work with Obama, but would actively work towards his failure. He said it, not the media. By the way, that lying idiot Bush deserved every negative comment made about him. He fucked up everything he touched.

Yeah Bush lied, he repeated things Bill and Hillary said. Those freaking liars.
Tell me how that is even possible?
Wouldn't your type rather have a lynching?

How it is possible is very simple.

IRS and/or Bengahazi easily has enough dirt already, I think. It is the gun to the head, possibly.

So, how it can happen is when these reports are made public and both sides call for it, in the voter groups that matter.

Then it will only take a handful of Conservative Democrats, backing Hillary to decide this is the way to get her in.

Biden is better, Obama resigns. Biden gets his little chance to be the Pocket President but with plenty of Tar on Him.

He can't challenge Hillary very well after all that is made public. Hillary pulls out here little red book of "I told them this would happen," with chapter and verse on the details of this, now, Biden/Obama DEBACLE in the Press. Fair play turn about on those Chicago boys.

That is how it can happen. They almost got Andrew Johnson on much less than this. The Clinton thing was pretty punk, not soon to be repeated for 50-100 years.