A Cannabinerd's Journey

Hell yeah doc! I knew you'd love it, I really need to get out that way soon, it feels good getting out of civilization for a while 8-)

Today I said eff it, instead of holding back veg for the glue I'm gonna veg them and flower in a couple weeks. The realtor didn't sound promising for the new house, but we will know either way tomorrow :/ I figure if we do get it, I'll just have to move bigger plants but if we don't get it I'll be ready for flower, which ever direction life takes us. It feels so empty with out using my ebb system and dwc is such a pain in the ass when you're running multiple systems. My mk clone is about ready to flower and the fcj and Aurora aren't too far behind. The seedlings are all growing great and a sour power cross has sprouted.
I hope it works out for you. We have to find jobs and a house. I have been thinking about getting a trailer for a month or so to give us time to look properly.
Thanks brotha, I hope things work out too but I'm prepared if they don't. Trailers are perfect to get settled for a bit and have a nice place to stay while looking. Hell, I loved my trailer I had out in the woods in NY, it was one of those 70' long single wides, but it had so much space believe it or not. I actually just found a 3br/ 2bath trailer with 3 acres I may go check out soon. It's so hard to find land here in my budget but 3 acres sounds like heaven compared to my 1/4 acre lot I'm on now. My landlord said she'd lower the rent once our lease is up if we haven't found a place which was one of the nicest things a land lord has said to me :p usually they are a-holes so I was surprised lol. So in a way I want to stay here but I just realllllyyyyyyy need a bigger grow room, if the spare room here was an extra 5' wider I wouldn't even be looking for another place, but I get closterphobic and always knock shit over in there because it's packed lol :p
Right? It blew my mind, not sure why it's like that but I guess it'll have a stem to support some heavy yields lol. I've not once out of 1000's of clones, have seen a stem on a small plant that big, not even outdoor :p Nutrient uptake, check. :p It looks like it grew a whole extra stem on it's stem
lol @ payne

Right on doc, I'm with ya, I prefer houses too, hell I really want a basement but 90% of the houses here don't have a basement. So weird because in ny most houses had a basement. They keep the grow room perfect climate. Always the same RH and temps is seemed which was nice, would be great for growing out here since it gets so damn hot in the summer :p
Hmm, I was just reading about germinating seeds because I just sprouted some basil and oregano seeds and I used a drop of dish soap in a cup of water and soaked the seeds in the water/soap. Worked like a charm!

"Dish soap provides plants with phosphates, a type of fertilizer that helps plants grow healthier and faster."

Maybe this could be used for those hard to germ beans? Thought it was interesting because I've never heard of this or done this before now.
Yea older neighborhoods and areas of more extreme winters/tornadoes are usually the areas of basements. Such the perfect growing environment to, duct the hoods and never have to run heat or ac. Sounds lovely to me!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Tonight is day 7 of flower for me, kinda surprised they haven't stretched nearly as much as I was expecting. With haze genetics, and then the dream lotus genetics, I was expecting huge size increases. Oh well though! Healthy plants work for me :)
Right on payne, I have definitely been close to a couple tornadoes in upstate ny, freaked me the hell out! We never got them often but maybe 10 years ago there was one about 10 miles away and the wind gusts on my street snapped a tree that fell on a neighbors house. Crazy shit!

The sativas really trip me out bro, I never get much growth the first week of flower but week 2-4 is usually insane, the stretch lasts much longer than indicas so you may get the 3x stretch still, if they do stay short that would be so great though for sure. And the soap, so awesome! I thought my friend was full of shit when he told me to soak them in soap but the ones I soaked in soap are way bigger than the ones I soaked in plain water (the seedlings on the left were the ones I used soap)
lol @ payne

Right on doc, I'm with ya, I prefer houses too, hell I really want a basement but 90% of the houses here don't have a basement. So weird because in ny most houses had a basement. They keep the grow room perfect climate. Always the same RH and temps is seemed which was nice, would be great for growing out here since it gets so damn hot in the summer :p
Yea GA had a lot of basements.