yeah you know I love people who act like this.
just an idea. you can be arrogant about every idea you come across or you can acknowledge when it's somewhat decent.
obviously you're picking the first one. so I"ll just hold back my ideas, as you want everyone else to.
i hate when people insist upon giving me their ideas and running with them when i have stated since day one, ...
"i don't do custom work or take request because i have so many of MY OWN ideas i need to get out first. by throwing NEW IDEAS at me you are only distracting me."
... then they get all pissy when i don't make what they want.
i can see where you all want YOUR idea sitting on your dresser, i understand. i'm just really way to busy with my own stuff. i have said this at least 100 times.
how is this arrogant?
and you yourself said "shouldn't be too hard." care to back up that statement.
thanks for the attack.