Chirality of molecular chains, with special regard to those utilized by known living organisms. That kind of chirality.
It is not my equation - it is Drakes. You'll forgive me if I give more credence to people's theories who actually study this stuff.
Hehhehh eeyeah.

I could have guessed (and did) that MM would not appreciate the information. In any event, the question was asked!
Someone - anyone get back to me with the scientific definition of theory... bonus points if you can relate it to principals.
To get you started theory does not mean guess, opinion or idea.
No, the scientific definition of a guess, opinion, or idea is a hypothesis. There is a small caveat in that any hypothesis is based on at least some observation.
A theory can be, for all intents and purposes of the layman, proved. That is not to say that they cannot later be proved wrong, in part or whole. However, in order to graduate from a hypothesis to a theory at least
some observations were testable and proven.
That is the difference between scientific language and the language of faith, because one is a language of absolutes where none exist, and the other is a language of qualifications despite the existence of absolutes (number/mathematical theory).
This whole creation v. evolution thing is STILL pretty silly. It was absurd 30 years ago when I was in college and nothing has changed.
There are NO complete fossil records of any animal on earth. There are always "missing links" in the chain of developments. Also, there are many other unresolved issues, as well.
Entirely true! Are you familiar with E.O. Wilson (Ed)? Sociobiology. He's on (as is that V.S. Ramachandran I posted).
However, examples of accelerated development do exist in some cases. For example the development of superior staff strains in super-clean hospitals or the development of rattlesnakes without rattlers.
The idea (or theory, or hypothesis, if you will) is called
punctuated equilibrium. It's a fascinating concept.
So this is a conundrum with no conclusion. Sort of a modern day argument about which came first, chickens or eggs. In other words, both creationists and evolutionists are correct and wrong. Both at the same time.
Well, when one is arguing apples versus sausage, yes, it does become a conundrum with no conclusion. Two completely different beasts. One does not really "belong" in the same spectrum as the other, which has been my whole point from the beginning. Science would not, and can not, explain God (or Shiva, or whatever deity you select), it has no business trying to do so, as the efficacy of religion IS its reliance on pure faith in absence of evidence. Likewise, however, should religion or faith not endeavor to explain science, as it has no business trying to explain solely on faith that which, by definition, MUST be testable and provable based upon observation.
I was wondering if, because all other living specie on earth functions from instinct, and Man has the ability to THINK and REASON, means anything to anyone posting in this thread. Or ... is the ability to think and reason just a happenstance of chance?
No. There are examples of other animals reasoning and thinking. Maybe not on the level of, or in the same manner as, human, but they do. Cognizance is the biggest difference I see between us and other animals, but I consider it no coincidence that embryonic fish look
exactly as embryonic humans do, nor do I consider it coincidence that I animal organs can substitute for human, or use many of the same components, or that they bleed red as we do.

Nor are those observations based on faith alone, you know as well as I do they are exactly what they are.
At this point, let me introduce you to
E.O. Wilson, the father, of sorts, of sociobiology. There was a time when his ideas were sourly rejected, but now they are widely accepted. Humans work in many, many provable ways by instinct. We are not alone.