A civil debate?

@Rob Roy , you almost made me forget a question you avoided, sly dog. How many houses are seized each year by the government? I assume you meant because of property taxes? Just curious.

Nearly all of them. The act of seizure is merely completed after they've forcibly evicted the "owner" (tenant) and use legal machinations to accommodate the finalization of the seizure of a given property.

In every case I've been aware of, if a person fails to pay their extortion demand, they will eventually seize the property and kill you if you attempt to defend it.

However the beginning of the seizure (the actual transfer of ownership rights) happens as soon as the "owner" (really a tenant) "buys" the property. So it's really a process, where they own you, if you remain on the property, you MUST pay them. If you don't pay them, they end your tenancy and forcibly remove you.

So if you pay them. while remaining there as a tenant your rights of ownership are seized. If you don't pay them the property itself is seized and you are kicked to the curb like a coyote ugly girl that looked serviceably fuckable 7 hours before when the alcohol was still working and you were satisfying your carnal urges in a kind of pseudo masturbation alternative.
Not in absolute. I think people should be able to control their property to a reasonable extent, only limited by the rights of others and in accordance with laws made of the people, by the people, and for the people. This compromise of absolute freedom affords civility, order, and prosperity for all.

How is he misusing other people's property? By what authority is that claim enforcable to make him stop?

Who owns the river? He is upstream and claims to own the river, or at least his section of it. Radioactive waste is drifting down the stream from his property onto others, is it his fault they put there property downstream before he built his plant? What is his incentive to care? What right do the people have downstream to make him stop? How will they enforce it?

Face it, he is misusing his property and your position is that there should be no government to tell him he can't use his property the way he wants, the people downstream don't have that right either.

Now apply this to many scenarios. I claim private ownership of a watersource, say the great lakes. It's my property, so no water will be funneled to the SW, no swimming, no boating, no drinking, no irrigation, it is now just a dump site for my garbage company. Who has a right to say I am misusing my property? Afterall, I have absolute control over my property, right?

Thank you for considering my questions. I appreciate that.

Your preference for civility and order can conflict with peace though. Many people make a surface assumption that order and peace spring from the same well, they don't. Peace is the absence of conflict and allows freedom of choice for individuals to self determine. Order is often a negation of individual freedom in favor of following an edict which often removes freedom and threatens the peace for failure to comply.

If you create some kind of hazard on your property, which affects anothers property, say shitting on your own floors so frequently that it eventually slides onto another persons property, you would be causing a harm to anothers property.

Who owns the river? The person(s) who controls it. In a peaceful society it would be the first person or people if owned by multiple people (by voluntary agreement of all involved) who occupied it, although most occupation for people occurs on land.
People have a right to defend themselves and their justly acquired property. How they will defend it, can occur in many ways, most societies these days have a central overarching authority (the real owners) who they might make some kind of legal appeal to. Absent a central authority, they'd be free to defend it in a myriad of other ways.

No, you don't have absolute control over your property, because you opted for "order" being delivered by a central authority, so that will always ensure you can't have absolute control over your property and apparently not even your own body.

Peace and order spring from two different wells, agree or disagree?
When someone rants and evinces their putrid views with overt disdain for the existence of entire demographic groups, then expects to be treated with courtesy to a "civil debate", just remember:

Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed. The default position of a bigot is to cry for freeze peach.
When someone rants and evinces their putrid views with overt disdain for the existence of entire demographic groups, then expects to be treated with courtesy to a "civil debate", just remember:

Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed. The default position of a bigot is to cry for freeze peach.
When someone rants and evinces their putrid views with overt disdain for the existence of entire demographic groups, then expects to be treated with courtesy to a "civil debate", just remember:
Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed. The default position of a bigot is to cry for freeze peach.
this deserves repeating

The amusing thing about your "insight" into fascism is that in decrying any opposing view to your own, you exhibit the earmarks of fascist doctrine in advocating the "forcible suppression of opposition" via threat to forward "dictatorial power".

The nice thing about free speech is that such a right is used by the unrealized fascist (usually due to a diminished intelligence quotient that allows them to spout propaganda about others that they don't realize succinctly describes themselves) to advertise that in no uncertain terms and allows the rest of humanity to know them for what they really are.

THAT is truth in advertising. ;)

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.....
......Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far-right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th century fascist movements.
The interesting thing about the Wikipedia description above is that it ascribes the tendency only to "far right" when history has proven that a descriptor such as "left" or "right" are temporally arbitrary, or else how could the democratic party's devotion to slavery be a reason for the start of the civil war, yet today allow them to count themselves the as staunch advocates against such practice?

The only difference I see is that earlier that party championed the "right" of a small percentage of moneyed individuals to own large population of other particular individuals, whereas today they champion a ruling gov't class (that represents another small percentage of moneyed individuals) to own ALL other individuals through the abrogation of rights and call that equality.

You are the ugliness you accuse others of being.
The amusing thing about your "insight" into fascism is that in decrying any opposing view to your own, you exhibit the earmarks of fascist doctrine in advocating the "forcible suppression of opposition" via threat to forward "dictatorial power".

The nice thing about free speech is that such a right is used by the unrealized fascist (usually due to a diminished intelligence quotient that allows them to spout propaganda about others that they don't realize succinctly describes themselves) to advertise that in no uncertain terms and allows the rest of humanity to know them for what they really are.

THAT is truth in advertising. ;)

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce[3] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.....
......Since the end of World War II in 1945, few parties have openly described themselves as fascist and the term is instead now usually used pejoratively by political opponents. The descriptions neo-fascist or post-fascist are sometimes applied more formally to describe parties of the far-right with ideologies similar to, or rooted in, 20th century fascist movements.
The interesting thing about the Wikipedia description above is that it ascribes the tendency only to "far right" when history has proven that a descriptor such as "left" or "right" are temporally arbitrary, or else how could the democratic party's devotion to slavery be a reason for the start of the civil war, yet today allow them to count themselves the as staunch advocates against such practice?

The only difference I see is that earlier that party championed the "right" of a small percentage of moneyed individuals to own large population of other particular individuals, whereas today they champion a ruling gov't class (that represents another small percentage of moneyed individuals) to own ALL other individuals through the abrogation of rights and call that equality.

You are the ugliness you accuse others of being.

will you condemn neo-nazis?
The amusing thing about your "insight" into fascism is that in decrying any opposing view to your own, you exhibit the earmarks of fascist doctrine in advocating the "forcible suppression of opposition" via threat to forward "dictatorial power".
And without a basic premise, I don't even need to read the conclusion. You're just wrong again. Thanks for whinging about freeze peach though, that's how I expect to find you next time I correct your asinine prattle with archaic terms dredged from your thesaurus liberally sprinkled in to take the edge off your vapid clichés from the dregs of Breitbart.
And without a basic premise, I don't even need to read the conclusion. You're just wrong again. Thanks for whinging about freeze peach though, that's how I expect to find you next time I correct your asinine prattle with archaic terms dredged from your thesaurus liberally sprinkled in to take the edge off your vapid clichés from the dregs of Breitbart.

Yet you offer nothing to support your stance, just like a fascist does. ;)
Next time I'll use more terms from Urban Dictionary to appeal to your abilities.

EDIT: Can you at least get on the same page as the rest of english speaking peoples by putting punctuation at the END of your self serving idiocy?
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Then you have about as much "stance" as the mental equivalent of a quadriplegic. ;)
You were the one who clicked reply on my comment to send me a love letter because you were triggered by my disdain for fascism. Not my fault you are so wrong about it. Keep whinging about freeze peach though, it's amusing to watch someone who clearly doesn't know what is going on demand that he has a first amendment right to proffer bigotry on a privately owned website.

Fascism always gets smashed because fascists are stupid. It's true, scientific research has concluded that right wing thought correlates negatively with cognitive function and fascism is a far right ideology.
Fascism always gets smashed because fascists are stupid. It's true, scientific research has concluded that right wing thought correlates negatively with cognitive function and fascism is a far right ideology.
The only way to stop fascism is sucking dick in the streets. I'm all for fascism.