A civil debate?

Flint was a dump long before the water issue, ask anyone from Michigan
Closing the factory can have that effect on communities. If only the people of Flint would take their imminently concerned governor's advice and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
Closing the factory can have that effect on communities. If only the people living could take their imminently concerned governor's advice and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

I wouldn't listen to anything Snyder says, the guy is a moron. He doesn't understand the difficult situation there. Not saying I do completely, but there's not a lot of opportunity there
I wouldn't listen to anything Snyder says, the guy is a moron. He doesn't understand the difficult situation there. Not saying I do completely, but there's not a lot of opportunity there
I understand Snyder is term limited. How are the chances that he's replaced with a person with brains?
It's hard to say, never can tell here, you know Michigan is pretty evenly divided. I want to say that his limit my be up though come election time.

I think the state AG might try to run, Bill Schutte, there is absolutely no way I'd vote for that prick
flint michigan became a disaster entirely because of the republicans you love to vote for, closet homosexual.
Congratulations, 1 out of 5300 municipalities you claim is due to republican policies.
Why don't you investigate the other 5299 of them to see if your theory holds out?

But I notice you won't answer any of the other questions.
Are they are too difficult for you to understand or is it because they don't jibe w/ your agenda of more gov't = better gov't? ;)
Congratulations, 1 out of 5300 municipalities you claim is due to republican policies.
Why don't you investigate the other 5299 of them to see if your theory holds out?

But I notice you won't answer any of the other questions.
Are they are too difficult for you to understand or is it because they don't jibe w/ your agenda of more gov't = better gov't? ;)

condemn neo-nazis.
it should be so easy to condemn neo-nazis.
much easier than keeping your homosexuality in the closet at least.
So you admit both to not practicing what you preach and not being able to answer a simple question.
But it's not surprising as it seems from your posts you are far more interested in fulfilling something other than my mind.

Since abandonedintellect seems to have his nose in your nethers, this one's for him, since my last reply to him "mysteriously" disappeared.
He should love it. It's from a peer reviewed psychologist.
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So you admit both to not practicing what you preach and not being able to answer a simple question.
But it's not surprising as it seems from your posts you are far more interested in fulfilling something other than my mind.

Since abandoned intellect seems to have his nose in your nethers, this one's for him, since my last reply to him "mysteriously" disappeared.
He should love it. It's from a peer reviewed psychologist.

condemn neo-nazis
refusing to condemn neo-nazis to own the libs.
that'll show 'em, closet boi.
Don't got the same insecurity issues you have, so I don't care too much what others think of your smear campaign.

When did "the libs" elect you to represent them?
Is this another one of those "legend in your own mind" things like ignoring questions and misrepresenting facts?

Ya know, Faux News "broke" this story about a certain FISA memo a host of GOP congress-critters that have read.
They demand it's immediate declassification.
I do think it deserves it's own topic, though.
Don't you? ;)
Don't got the same insecurity issues you have, so I don't care too much what others think of your smear campaign.

When did "the libs" elect you to represent them?
Is this another one of those "legend in your own mind" things like ignoring questions and misrepresenting facts?

Ya know, Faux News "broke" this story about a certain FISA memo a host of GOP congress-critters that have read.
They demand it's immediate declassification.
I do think it deserves it's own topic, though.
Don't you? ;)
trump has unilateral power to declassify that memo at any time and he's not doing it. not even to take heat off of the fact that he can't keep the government from shutting down when him and his blackmailed GOP cronies have full control of it.

now would be a good time for you to condemn neo-nazis, closet boi.
trump has unilateral power to declassify that memo at any time and he's not doing it. not even to take heat off of the fact that he can't keep the government from shutting down when him and his blackmailed GOP cronies have full control of it.
now would be a good time for you to condemn neo-nazis, closet boi.
You're the one that thinks I'm a supporter of Dumph and I admit it worked really well to bunch your parties during the election process, but your knowledge of what happens how in the hallowed halls of gov't once again seems lacking:

The process for releasing it to the public involves a committee vote, a source said. If approved, it could be released as long as there are no objections from the White House within five days.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox News in December that his investigators have already uncovered evidence of abuse in the U.S. government's surveillance practices.

“I believe there's evidence that abuses have occurred," Nunes said at the time.

As spokes....thing for the libs I expect you might want to become abreast of such things. ;)
City gov't offices that are supposed to do that have done such a good job of using tax money to fix this in Flint MI and other areas (5300 according to CNN in the link; that doesn't even count the amount of municipal water systems affected by radon) that we want to give them more tax money for that and/or social programs that they are administering?

If they can't fix something that has specific targets and is physically verifiable, how can we expect them to do "well" with social programs that take years, if not decades, to be proven efficient or effective in ANY regard?
Why should city officials/employees get paid and not prosecuted for such criminal malfeasance?

More gov't is not always better gov't. ;)

Who's paying them? and why? You make it sound like a impossible task, there's a reason Wal-Mart in China is required to be union, so it dosen't collapse the infrastructure.
Who's paying them? and why?
Who better to decide when/how/what municipal planners get paid than municipal planners? Do you know of another "authority" in that matter besides voters every few years?
You make it sound like a impossible task,
The task of believing that gov't can be responsible with either money or public safety is proving impossible. 5300 different municipalities divided by 50 states equals 106 municipalities per state. I think that's a significant number.
there's a reason Wal-Mart in China is required to be union, so it dosen't collapse the infrastructure.
I don't live in China and I don't go to Walmart so i don't see what your reference to that is all about. ;)