A clone and two hopefuls (2nd grow, first journal)


Well-Known Member
Helloo, first time journalist, second time grower. My first attempt was outdoor back in my hometown a few years ago, it worked out ok, nothing to be proud of, but whatever. This is now my second attempt in my new place in the city(not relitively new, moved in september of 08 ish.
Ok, so I bought a clone off a friend around a month to two months ago. Probably one and a half months. It is now in flowering, I move it from my grow room to my dark room aka my laundry room. I've also started two lil fellers (hopefully not fellers at all) about two weeks ago from seed, bag seed that is.

I will be adding pics N stuff in a moment.


Well-Known Member
The first pic, is that of my grow room with the door open, I'm using a 250 HPS for both the vegging and flowering. A 10 inch fan keeps the light plenty cool and even draws air into the closet and the blows it back out. The clone I've assisted in growing, was bought and then put into vegging for about 2-3 weeks, It's now been in flowering for about 2-3 weeks as well. The two little ones I started about 2 weeks ago from seed, both are bag seed, from some various nice bags. All are soil grown, with this inexpensive stuff my friend buys, which works extremely well. It's called Victory Garden Potting soil. And I like the sound of that. For ferts I use Flora Nova. It comes as the vegging solution of the flowering. I find it helps alot, especially because I used distilled water. I check the ph with strips and have up/down solution at the ready, the ph never really changes though.
If you want some different angles of the plants just go ahead and ask. Critic me. I know its not the greatest. I hope some will keep an eye on this maybe. I do enjoy going through other peoples journals. I'll be posting ever once and a while, update style. Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow, only the one. I thought you guys were cool.
It looks great. Good job. How big was it when you switched the lights to 12/12?

I'm trying to determine how long I might veg for. I've done two grows in the past, one with 2 large plants and one with 6 small plants. I'm trying to do this one with 10 medium plants and I can't for the life of me figure out how big I want'em before I flower them.

Right now I'd say they are about 6-8 in. tall and I pretty much want them all to finish the size of your single plant.


Well-Known Member
Well, when started 12/12 it was about 1.5' tall. It was bought already vegging well underway and it was topped twice that i know of. It's only about 25 days into flowering now, so i'm expecting it to get a lil bigger. At this moment the tallest point, is probably pretty close to 2'. If those two little buggers decide to be female, they will probably be put into 12/12 around 1'-1.5', maybe more depending on how the secondary growth looks. Thanks the interest. I figure, if the secondary growth is good enough, start at 1.5' or something.


Well-Known Member
Well, when started 12/12 it was about 1.5' tall. It was bought already vegging well underway and it was topped twice that i know of. It's only about 25 days into flowering now, so i'm expecting it to get a lil bigger. At this moment the tallest point, is probably pretty close to 2'. If those two little buggers decide to be female, they will probably be put into 12/12 around 1'-1.5', maybe more depending on how the secondary growth looks. Thanks the interest. I figure, if the secondary growth is good enough, start at 1.5' or something.
I just got clones about a week and half ago and they've been sitting at home vegging and after some initial issues they are looking good. If they come out as good as yours looks I'll be ecstatic. I just can't afford to let them get too big as I have 10 of them and only 1 400w light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that could get cramped, lumens wise. Topping works well for letting the lower parts bush out and slow down vertical growth. Mylar, mirrors or anything else reflective will help if light becomes an issue. I stick with my 250 hps for a 2-4 plants at a time, nothing too extreme. I keep the plants small enough.