A CO2 flow question


Well-Known Member
A mole of gas occupies 22.414L at standard temperature/pressure.. That means that your room holds 4461.5 moles of gas.. 1500ppm is a 1/667 purity.. 4461.5mol/667 = 6.69moles.. A mole of CO2 weighs 44g.. 6.69mol*44g/mol = 294g (0.65lbs) of CO2..
Ofcourse that doesn't take diffusion and exhaust into account but since CO2 is heavier than air, if your plants are low then those effects should work oppositely to each other..


Well-Known Member
Thats what you'd need to add to top it up to 1500ppm yes.. My math didn't consider that, use 80% of my number.. Then again, with exhaust its really tough to get accurate without a meter


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help,can u just tell me another thing about this,can i have my fans on a timer so the go out for a minute or 5 minutes and then at the same time another timer turns the co2 and fills the room to 1500ppms with just the circulating fans going on,the plants for that time take up the co2 and then the outake gets the air out and the cycle repeats again every hour or so


Well-Known Member
6.69mol*44g/mol = 294g (0.65lbs) of CO2,does this mean if i take 80% of these numbers thats about 230g of co2 would be enouf to fill the room to 1200ppms plus the 300 in the air,and my regulator flows 1l per minute how much g does a liter of co2 weigh


Well-Known Member
1kg CO2 = .545 cubic metre of CO2,in a 100m3 room 0.1m3 of co2 is that 1000ppms,my room is 65m3 150g of co2 that 0.24l co2 is enough to give it 1000ppms is that cerrect,can somebody tell me how long does it take the plants to take the co2,is it better to turn the system on every 15 minutes for 15 seconds or once an hour for a minute


Well-Known Member
The scheduling is debatable, and depends on your exhaust routine..
Yes you are correct about 80% of my numbers plus ambient CO2 totalling ~1500ppm..
I don't quite know where 0.24l came in but by my math 153g will raise the level by 1200ppm and 128g will raise it by 1000ppm..


Well-Known Member
The scheduling is debatable, and depends on your exhaust routine..
Yes you are correct about 80% of my numbers plus ambient CO2 totalling ~1500ppm..
I don't quite know where 0.24l came in but by my math 153g will raise the level by 1200ppm and 128g will raise it by 1000ppm..

people at the store that fills the bottles told me that a 25kg bottle holds 40l of co2 thats netto,so 1kg-1.6l,by that calculation 150g is 0.25l if thats correct,i ask u this becouse the meter on the bottle mesures the flow in liters


Well-Known Member
so can i convert the 153g that u told me to a flow of 0.24l and set that on the meter to fill the room