A Completely Free Society, Rich in Resources with an Educated Population


New Member
From all of the raves I have received since I posted her long ago, one thing is clear. If that lass actually came on this forum and posted ... she would have the more rep than anyone in about a week.


Well-Known Member
There are entire generations that have been raised from the 60's on that believe the govt is the answer and that "others" should do the heavy lifting for them.

I know what you're saying but the leech levels are too high to pull that off today.

But ur thinking is sound, just not doable.
I hear alot about equality, and not seeing race, but the truth is that equality is not what pepole seem to be interested in. It seems that folks are more interested in changing the rules when some folks are not doing as well as someone else. The thought that maybe the less fortunate might need to change their game never seems to enter their minds.


Active Member
limited government in this day in age is dangerous, there are far too many threats out there to discard government all together, or go back to the 1800's. maybe a redirection of the nature of government would work. also capitalism is a big problem, at least how we do it. life is not about how much money or material you can accumulate and keep out of the hands of others. What i'm trying to say is if 1 has all whats left for the others to have. if there is one company, person that has all the money, what is left for everyone else. not much. if theres no money left cuz someone hoards it all, even if your a hard worker what are you accomplishing? This is what i think about when i hear stories about "the richest people or corporations in the world". they are hoarding 98% of the monies in this world, if that percentage was lower there wouldnt be as much poverty, if there was more money to make, then more people would be able to make it, not just the "elite". there is only so much money, why should 1 or a small percentage of the population have it all, and keep it out of the hands of the people that made them all their money.
do we love the banks right now? are they raping us? we bailed them out, and all they can do to thank us is to raise our rates, foreclose on our homes, install a shit ton of hidden fees... ect ect ect.
Keep the rich richer, and the poor, poorer. dont even give them a chance to be successful.

Something to think about.


New Member

"Just What The Phuck Was In That Shit All Along?" - Unknown Woodstock Hippie




New Member
I hear alot about equality, and not seeing race, but the truth is that equality is not what pepole seem to be interested in. It seems that folks are more interested in changing the rules when some folks are not doing as well as someone else. The thought that maybe the less fortunate might need to change their game never seems to enter their minds.
Fortunate is quite a variable, and means different things to different ppl.

The cold truth is that most ppl do better then other because they apply themselves more. They didn't go clubbing, but stayed home and read that boring statistical analysis paper for class. They worked three jobs to get through school. Some ppl are simply more driven then others. There is no way to make it fair, cream rises to the top. The way your talking about has been tried, and has shown to drag everyone down.

The reason democrats are against Reaganomics is because IT WORKS! They would lose their voter base. They will do anything to dispute it, though the data shows otherwise.

This country hands out tons of freebies to the less fortunate, but choking the engine which PROVIDES that charity is a mistake. Liberal policies, though well intentioned ends up killing the goose that lays the eggs. It's a downward spiral with liberalism. Obama wants to run everything through the govt. and that's the quickest way to kill the economy. Which is exactly what he's doing right now. One year in, and he SWORE this was a crisis, one year in and he has just now started to talk about jobs. 25% of his Presidency, and actually most of his prestige globally is now gone for good. So what does he do in this financial crisis? Why, he SPENDS a TRILLION $$$$. Boy that's always the way to get out of financial troubles. Try that next time ur in a money crisis. But that's exactly what he did.

Cranked up the entitlements FIRST, then jobs later (the first is easy, not so the second)? That's arse backwards son.....


Well-Known Member
I guess i don't understand the "entitled" I have had to bust my ass for everything, go bust, then work my ass off some more to get it back. I give up trying to understand the left, I find no logic only "feelings" and no sense of nature.


New Member
Liberals lack common sense....that much is obvious to those of us that actually possess it. Naturally, they are blind to it, as with many other things.


New Member

Are you able to detect similar in a weird way, the pure tones in:

