A couple of questions for the organic gurus


I would like to keep it organic and have a few questions for you all. Any help is super appreciated.
I am gonna be using sub cools super soil this year and he recommends letting it "cook" for a month before using it. I was wanting to mix it now so I can get it in trash cans and out of the garage. So if I don't need it until June will letting it sit for like three months instead of one make it lose anything or will it do the opposite?

Also if I'm using good organic soil like ff ocean forest I don't want to use synthetic ferts or sips like cal/mag right? Ive been doing it all along. I just read that the stuff in synthetic ferts kills the good stuff in organic soil. Is this true? So am I wasting my money by buying good expensive soil and dumping expensive synthetics into it? Thanks guys for reading.

Buddy Hemphill

Active Member
This is a pretty big debate.

How much synth ferts?

How often will you use teas?

Small doses of chem salts can damage, but not destroy bennies.

To understand where that line is...you really need a microscope to monitor microbial life.

How much salts...is TOO much salts?......I know.....I dont have an answer. Its different depending on different variables.

Personally....what you have described is how I have had my biggest yeild. Not subs super soil....but good high dollar organicsoil and synthetic nute/organic nute/ACT feed regiment.
I am trying to repeat results now using cheap Home Depot soil. I know I play Russian Roulette with my bennies.

For me....I dose mine with so many bennies and ACT's that what soil I start with...I am beginning to believe isnt that important.

If you want to use WATER ONLY.....supersoil is the way to go, they say. It never lasted me...just made me pull my hair out chasing deficiencies when it finally DID start leaching.
I wound up on nutes ANYWAY...lol...

So I decided fuck all that trouble and time. I innoculate the FOCK out of the soil....1st thing.

Strong ACT with a fat shot of CAPs bennies and I would bet your microbial life would rival any supersoil out there...without 60 days inside the house 'cooking'. It wont match the nutritive value....thats what nutes are for.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Keep it simple and you will be very happy.

Anything with unpronounceable ingredients or unknown chemicals/extracts will do more harm to your soil than good.

When I am "cooking" my soil, I inoculate it with aerated compost teas every couple weeks. The longer you cook, the better the mix, IMO.

So no worries on it getting worse, if anything, the micro herd will be breaking those nutes down into more useable forms for the plant to uptake.


Hey thanks a lot you guys. I'm gonna let the soil cook and give the super soil a shot. I guess my plants will tell me when I need to supplement. You guys are awesome.

jane's phasm

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure of the shelf life but if you let the soil sit for too long all of the plant-available elements that your microbial herd worked so hard to convert are going to be re-sequestered in the soil.
