A Diminished Prison Population

'The Obama administration believes that at least 12 detainees released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have launched attacks against U.S. or allied forces in Afghanistan, killing about a half-dozen Americans, according to current and former U.S. officials.

In March, a senior Pentagon official made a startling admission to lawmakers when he acknowledged that former Guantanamo inmates were responsible for the deaths of Americans overseas.

The official, Paul Lewis, who oversees Guantanamo issues at the Defense Department, provided no details, and the Obama administration has since declined to elaborate publicly on his statement because the intelligence behind it is classified.

But The Washington Post has learned additional details about the suspected attacks, including the approximate number of detainees and victims involved and the fact that, while most of the incidents were directed at military personnel, the dead also included one American civilian: a female aid worker who died in Afghanistan in 2008. The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, declined to give an exact number for Americans killed or wounded in the attacks, saying the figure is classified.'

The people who were released weren't terrorists before they were arrested. They hadn't done anything and were falsely accused which is why they were released. Guantanamo was a great radicalization tool for the Taliban. Thanks, Bush.

I don't know how this applies to Obama's draw down on the domestic prison system. Are you saying that he should have continued to press the war on drugs like Bush did?

Goddammit you are stupid. Do the real estate agents in your area know how dumb you are? Maybe somebody should tell them. I'm sure there are plenty of other real estate inspectors that they can recommend to clients other than the dumbest one ever.
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