a few 12/12 days during seedling stage - bit of a mix up + REP FOR HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hi , i ve been away and have left my plants with another friends - there seedlings some are around 3/4 weeks , others are around 2 weeks
ive just come home and have been told that for maybe 4/5 days (not in a row ) spread out that the light has been off for up to 12 hours on the odd day

there on a 24/0 at the moment - im thinkin will this effect the plants? they seem to be fine and its not like there on a strict 12/12 - maybe 4/5 days out of there life cycle - they have had ALOT of darkness

maybe one of the day 10 hours
on of the days 12 hours
one 14 hours
one 10 hours

this has happend on random days dotted over the place in there whole life - will this effect the plants you think/? let me know your views thanks

im of the opinion that as long as from now on the plants are on a 24/0 untill the flower cycle they shud be ok - wot do u think?


Well-Known Member
i plant to VEG for around 20/30'' of all plants so a few dark days during there seedling stage shudnt be a BIG ISSUE - i mean in the winter over here sometimes you have have days where 8/14 hours darkness occurs - in a natural outdoor enviroment!


Well-Known Member
nobody have any thoughs or views on this situation for me/?

there must be experts out there that have had this problem or no what will happen etc? im far from being an expert and really would welcome some input --thank you


Well-Known Member
Well....appears you don't have much choice except to keep'em on a schedule in hopes they all do ok. Varying light cycles sometime cause hermies but ya never know with a "short" out of cycle occurance....good luck! and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
You are fine.
Human error is a mother fucker and can ruin grows. Most of the time its crucial that you stick to the schedule giving during flower as mistakes and repeated light changes can fuck it all up.

During veg i wont say its good and that you should not give a fuck, but a slip up like what happened with you wont hurt anything in the long run. Get timers, annotate things you do, and next time hand it off and brief the friend on what the situation is.(the plants) If he cannot take care of them doing the basic things , as light and feeding then your better off leaving in your home on a timer. There is different techniques people use to make it the best possible experience for the plants and i know of a few if you need some help.


Well-Known Member
yes i could do with any help or tips, ive had a few good grows but you can never know too much! i have about 12 on the go - white rhino/white widow at the minuite

5 of them are a few weeks ahead but i will just plant them earlier and harvest the babies a bit later than them - i usually jus flower when my plants are around 25'' on average and then bout 9/10 weeks flowering time - i like to have at least 5/6 weeks from seed untill i flower them


Well-Known Member
I say this below for someone like me who has a little closet grow, obviously it aint for a commercial grower

I go out of town often. .Usually 4-6 times a year.
Sometimes its for work and usually is longer than 2 weeks. For that my wife stays home and i walk her threw it day by day over the phone.
But if its a personal trip i never leave the plants longer than 4 nights, I also try not to leave during the veg stage as in flowering i can leave a few days and not worry about them growing into the light.

But when i do leave i give em a good flush , this way i don't have to worry about them getting sick and not getting the attention right away.
and they get a good watering. A good watering they will stay wet for a few days and even if it does go dry for a day it will benefit the plant as the roots will start to grow and thicken up in search of water. (This is why i take a trip no longer than 4 days)

Then i raise my light higher. If its a weekend trip i just turn off my HID and convert to CFL's for a few days. but if it is my 4 or 5 day trip back home to see the old man then i wanna keep my HID on so they dont lose any growth they could of had.
For personal reassurance , i put my laptop on and point it at my closet that way i can remote access my computer at the place i am at and make sure its all still there and not burnt down.
Do you have a friend you trust? I dont, so i dont bother having friends come over and check it out. If a fire does happen, your fucked anyway. So let it burn. Just obviously dont leave anything around the lights, make sure they are watered and get the lamp a bit away from them and the plants will receive limited stress during your trip

Just things ive learned over the years, works for me. havent had a plant hermi on me because of it.