A few last questions before starting my grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Before I begin my growing, I would like to clear a few things up that have been prying on my mind. I have a 400W ballast, have the correct bulbs, have a grow tent, soil, PH meter, TDS meter, calibration fluid, humidifier, fan, and nutrients. Here are the questions I need cleared up.

1. i have autoflowering seeds, they are a cross of northernlights and big budd. What light cycle should i keep them on? I heard 16 and 8 is the way to go, just want to confirm.

2. I have both foxfarm ocean forest and happy frog. My plan is to start the seedlings in the happy frog, and then transfer them to 5g buckets containing a mixture of happy frog and ocean forest..My question is, how often do I feed them in this scenerio? I've heard when they are seedlings in the happy frog, don't feed for two weeks. When I transfer them to the ocean forest and happy frog, should I wait to feed them again?

3. How often do I water, and how much water should I provide (a number of ounces would be helpful)

Thanks in advance


Active Member
#1// i like 20/4 myself (no experence w/ autos but i have had no problems using this)
#2 why not start in the 5g fill it with the FFOF and then dig out a sofball sized portion int the center of the bucket and fill that with the Happy Frog, the plant still starts in the happy frog and will be able to grow a bit befor hitting the harsher FFOF, and it reduces the time lost with a transplant.
#3 I water every 4 days and just enough to get the soil nice and moist not really wet (ammount depends on container size/ how big the plants are) just experment and get a feel for it. let them go without water when there two nodes high until they start to droop then water them, then you should be able to calculate your needs


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good idea with the digging out the softball sized hole..question is, if I do that, how long until I nute?


Well-Known Member
#1// i like 20/4 myself (no experence w/ autos but i have had no problems using this)
#2 why not start in the 5g fill it with the FFOF and then dig out a sofball sized portion int the center of the bucket and fill that with the Happy Frog, the plant still starts in the happy frog and will be able to grow a bit befor hitting the harsher FFOF, and it reduces the time lost with a transplant.
#3 I water every 4 days and just enough to get the soil nice and moist not really wet (ammount depends on container size/ how big the plants are) just experment and get a feel for it. let them go without water when there two nodes high until they start to droop then water them, then you should be able to calculate your needs
i like the sound of that idea 2. from what ive read about autoflowers is that they dont like to be transplanted. there life cycle is a set amount of time so they dont have time to make up the growth lost to stress like other varietys do


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys, I'm definitely going to do that as opposed to transplanting. Question though, I heard in happyfrog you wait 2 weeks to nute, and I heard FFOF you wait 4 weeks. So if i'm digging out the softball sized hole and putting happy frog and the rest is FFOF, how long should I wait?


Well-Known Member
erm, weed plants will spread there roots out to the side of the pot before they really start there grow after sprout, so I would start em out in cups with the lest "hot" soil (sorry don't know them you use, from EU and use mostly Plagron products as base of my SS or coco) let em grow a nice root net for the middle of the final pot, in small cups its also much more easy to control watering so you don't over water them ..

18/6 is "normal" with Auto`s from start to end, tho many do 20/4 in the start (guess many run fluorescent light in the start wile they are small seedlings/in Veg) fist 2-3 weeks until you see preeflowers/white hairs (also the time for the repot)

with soil you should have enough nutrient for the fist few weeks and once repotted with fresh soil you should be ok for another few, then a good bloom nuts starting on low/1/4 strenges working your way up is "the rule of thump" but its really about reading your plants and knowing what to provide them so a lot of research and a few grows is the only way to really master it ..

if it was me with Auto`s I would mix a good SS so I wouldn't have to provide them with much other then water in there short life maybe just a bloom booster/PK 13/14 to end with and of course a bit Molasses as I like that ..

about watering, make sure to have a bit of run of, or when you know your plants/pots just enough to make all the soil wet, how often depend on a lot of stuff like temperatures for once and how big plants you have, small plants in big pots with high humidity and low temps will use a lot less water then big flowering plants with high temps and low humidity, so all between 1 and 5 days IMO if they stay wet more then 4-5 days your in to big pots if you have to water more then once a day your in to small so to speak


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody for the feedback. I have decided to stick them in 5Gallon jugs with Ocean Forest, with a softball sized scoop of happy frog. Is it safe to say i won't be doing any feeding for at least 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
erm, weed plants will spread there roots out to the side of the pot before they really start there grow after sprout, so I would start em out in cups with the lest "hot" soil (sorry don't know them you use, from EU and use mostly Plagron products as base of my SS or coco) let em grow a nice root net for the middle of the final pot, in small cups its also much more easy to control watering so you don't over water them ..

18/6 is "normal" with Auto`s from start to end, tho many do 20/4 in the start (guess many run fluorescent light in the start wile they are small seedlings/in Veg) fist 2-3 weeks until you see preeflowers/white hairs (also the time for the repot)

with soil you should have enough nutrient for the fist few weeks and once repotted with fresh soil you should be ok for another few, then a good bloom nuts starting on low/1/4 strenges working your way up is "the rule of thump" but its really about reading your plants and knowing what to provide them so a lot of research and a few grows is the only way to really master it ..

if it was me with Auto`s I would mix a good SS so I wouldn't have to provide them with much other then water in there short life maybe just a bloom booster/PK 13/14 to end with and of course a bit Molasses as I like that ..

about watering, make sure to have a bit of run of, or when you know your plants/pots just enough to make all the soil wet, how often depend on a lot of stuff like temperatures for once and how big plants you have, small plants in big pots with high humidity and low temps will use a lot less water then big flowering plants with high temps and low humidity, so all between 1 and 5 days IMO if they stay wet more then 4-5 days your in to big pots if you have to water more then once a day your in to small so to speak
good info man we need more people like you +rep you always have good info