a few of my cfls girls. flower since 4/15


Well-Known Member
Well if you want more info on T5s chech out the T5 Club thread lots of good info there you can also read threw my grow thread. Burning the leaves with the lighting is a constant issue because you need to have the lights very close. I have to play with my lights every few days to make sure I am not burning the plants. The key is in the training, keep them short and bushy with lots of tops and surround them with lights. Get panda liner and line the inside of the grow space with it, it is very reflective and helps get more light to the plants.


Active Member
Yea, I'm always burning the tips of the leaves but overall I think the plants like the light more so they don't mind a slight singe on the tips.


Active Member
PIMG_20130529_012149.jpg an update of my lil lady. More pics of the big one when lights come on. I plan on Lst style my small girl