a few pots, cfls, a closet, and some free time. It's My First Grow!


Hi all. This is my very first post to this site. I've been reading like mad over the last month or so, trying to absorb every bit of info I can. It seems like I've been to dozens of cannabis boards and this one seems like a keeper. So here I am trying my hand at a grow-journal and my very first grow of anything really. I'm really excited to see how this goes and more excited to share with someone. Thanks for checking this out! All comments are welcome.

What I'm growin':

  • Junky Bagseed
  • Barney's Farm LSD (#1 most popular on Attitude)
  • Barney's Farm Liberty Haze (#2 most popular on Attitude)
  • Next Generation Afghani Kush (freebie) [still trying to pop via paper towel 7/14]
(authors' secret: the seeds may or may not have been accidentally shuffled)

How I'm growin' it (sofar):

  • bagsee popped with distilled water in a shot-glass
  • fine seeds popped (in less than 24 hrs!!1 except for my kush) with paper towel method
  • all seeds directly planted into MG organic soil with roughly 20% perlite (30% for fine seed pots)
  • all waterings with distilled water.
  • started bagseed ~1 week prior to fine seeds arriving in mail for a little advanced practice.
  • each plant under 42W 6500k CFL w/ clamp reflectors

*apologies for the date format everyone besides Americans*

Planted bag 7/1/12
Planted fine 7/5/12

7/5 bagsee (phoneshot)

7/9 setup / all pots / bagse on right
3x42W 6500K CFLs (bags' light was lowered after this picture was snapped)

Lhaze (5 days after seeds arrived in mail)


Bags got a 3/4 cup watering of weakweak bunny poop tea yesterday. I noticed some yellowing of one of the cotyledons and I'm wondering if this is the natural yellowing or maybe a nute burn? I know I know you're not supposed to feed them this early but it's my experiment plant!

Not much happening yet of course. Just had to do something as the anticipation is killing me already..

What do you guys think? Am I off to a good start?


Bit the bullet and bought a small grow tent (arrives Tues) with intentions to buy 150W HPS within the next two weeks.

Haze's leaves are rather dark and tinged with purple (purple bottoms too) but looks healthy to me.

LSD is pretty stunted. Looks healthy, but growth has been really slow for some reason.

Bags is chugging along nicely at a pleasant light green.

No word on the kush bean. I may shot-glass it in a day or so as a last resort.


Thanks for the replies, guys. It's been a week or so and I've had a few troubles, a few big purchases, but hopefully I'm on the right track for act 2. I've since ditched the CFLS for now in favor of a 250W HID. My troubles started with the bagseed mysteriously looking ill so I went ahead and removed it to make room for the kush seed (I only had 3 pots and 3 pots worth of soilmix). The kush seed popped and planted and had just started to peak when the cup was knocked over :dunce: and she never recovered.

I also sprayed my plants with a bit of hydrogen peroxide:wall::wall::wall: (diluted massively though obviously not enough..) and Haze started to get brown rusty spots. I tried searching nute defs, but with the plant being so young/it really didn't look like any of the standard deficiency cases, I chalked it up to H2O2 burn :(
Now I only have two plants but I'm definitely going to make the best of them.

7/17 Here are the survivors. Last day under CFL.

7/23 They've been under the MH for about 5 days.

I've recently worked in 2TBS of garden lime into the top 2-3'' of each pot and watered it in. Also thinking of doing a scrog.. We'll see about that one.
That's about it for now. Thanks for checking out my grow and here's to a week of no issues :weed:

ps. I suppose the title is misleading now that my plants are under HID in a tent.. I should make a new thread soon.