A few problems with my second grow

Hi everyone, i had a recent thread on here about my plant stretching at the top during flowering, it stretched so much i ran out of room so i had to tie down the top abit, so i pulled the top towards the right side of my box and the top pulled towards the light and straightened out which is what i was expecting and hoping to happen. Then a few hours later i look at it and the top drooped over and started to lean toward the back, is this normal the first bit of LSTing.....



Well-Known Member
i don't see anything wrong... you bent it over... so its bent over....?

edit... i do see things wrong... ur lights... where are they and get them as close as possible. you might as well bend that main cola all the way over and get it level with the rest.


Well-Known Member
bend it over so that its level with the next highest cola but that will take a few days..... slowly train it down low and get those lights as close as possible.