A few questions regarding my outdoor grow


Active Member
NorCal grow.

1. During veg I know it's not much of an issue, but when they start flowering, if I can move them out of the rain, should I? It was my understanding that water can cause bud rot and/or mildew. I know plenty of guerilla grows just let them sit out but I have the ability to move them under cover, should I?

2. My plants are right outside in the backyard. The kitchen window is 6 feet from them. At night time, if I put on my kitchen light, will this cause any issues? The light wouldn't be in direct site of the plants, but it's definitely visible.

3. I've heard a few things on this, but GENERALLY, people say as soon as they start flowering, use veg nutes 2 for 2 weeks then switch to bloom nutes, this accurate?

4. Lastly, I just moved to Cali in November of last year. I haven't seen one catapillar. Should I not have to worry about them and just keep a close eye on things?

Thanks guys! So far, these boards have been extremely helpful.


Well-Known Member
If you can the answer is yes. Yes if its a bright light left on it will effect the plants.Most good growers go half and half the first two weeks of flower.If you havent started spraying for them yet you will wish you had in two months. good luck dirrtyd


Active Member
So I should start spraying now to prevent getting them?

Also, I forgot a big question I have had. I'm in 10g pots right now. If I keep them in them and the roots fill the bucket, will my plants just not get bigger but will still be fine or will I definitely have issues?


Well-Known Member
Before someone comes along and leads you astray, yes you should start spraying. Depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you have bigger pots I would transplant now. That way when your plants go into flower the roots should be able to expand we are almost at the end of veg in my area for sure. I'm beginning to see more plants showing there pistils. Also OP you dont need to open a new thread for every issue. keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
So if I don't transplant to bigger pots, will I still be able to harvest fine? I'm doing 6 plants and I'd like one lb. for personal use. Or, if I keep them in the 10 gallons will I have trouble?

As far as opening a new thread, I always seem to get a better reply. I can post in the same one though and just bump it if it goes a few days without reply.

Thanks dirty as always. Next year I'm going with 100g and I won't have to even worry about this.


Active Member
Ok. I know this is hard to determine but how much are we talking. New pots and soil for going larger will cost me close to 200 ish to jump to 25 gallon. Anyone feel this is without a doubt worth it? I wish this was next year already. I'm
Already prepared to go big or go home.