A few questions


Well the story goes.....
One night I had a couple of mates over, we all got high for the night and chilled about. One of my mates was so high he had some seeds and planted it in my garden as a surprise according to what he remembers.

8 Months later and I've got a little Jane growing in my yard.

[Check out the pictures first]

Now this is my first time growing and I've done my research but just have a few questions to ask, so bare with me.

I water it every 1.5-2 days
I have a compost about 1.5 meters away
I still have to measure how much sunlight its gets, although i dont think it gets its "8hrs supposed too :S"
Usually there is little bugs crawling around the stem and near the soil
I am certain its a female, although i don't think i can tell just yet

- There are a few holes and droopy leaves
- Am i watering if enough
- There is about a 10cm gap from the plant to the edge of the pavement, so is there enough room for the roots to grow
- If my plant doesn't get enough sun, is there a way i can move the plant into a pot with fresh soil etc.. without killing it
- Whats the possibility that my plant can die, from bugs, insects etc.
- Is my plant doing okay due to the time its taken to get to that point (8months) not sure if this is a long time.

Anyways sorry for the overall of questions, theres a few pictures to see. Still a first time grower so we all start somewhere.
Just looking for a brief summary of how its going and what i can do to improve the quality of it and if shes going to be alright :).

Pictures are about 2 weeks old, I'll get new ones up tomorrow morning and ignore that stupid gigantic pot :shock:

Thanks and happy choofing.
Peace out



Active Member
- There are a few holes and droopy leaves Normal
- Am i watering if enough Yes
- There is about a 10cm gap from the plant to the edge of the pavement, so is there enough room for the roots to growYes
- If my plant doesn't get enough sun, is there a way i can move the plant into a pot with fresh soil etc.. without killing itYes you can transplant, it may shock the plant but it will bounce back
- Whats the possibility that my plant can die, from bugs, insects etc.I don't think it will die, however it can be ravaged by aphids, mites, ect.
- Is my plant doing okay due to the time its taken to get to that point (8months) not sure if this is a long time.That seems like a long time but the plant looks fine. Outdoors takes longer.

Good luck friend


ok..she overall looks nice & green her nodes look close, but here's the deal for her to produce proper vegetation she needs a minimum 16 hours light..so if the lack of light doesn't hermi her she will begin to flower in about the second week of march but of course that'd be here in the north western US..go online & find a navel daylight hours chart for your area & find when the light hours reach 12/12 or close to so you will know when she will flip..ok bugs are easily controlled outside, go to a garden center & grab some neem oil apply once a week until the second week of flower anything after that will leave a funky taste...moving her is sketchy...if you have an active compost dig a small trench between the two so any heavy rain runoff from compost won't leak to your lady & burn her..if its not overly warm out & your soil is dense or clay only water once a week if warm do the finger test if she's moist don't water. cut off sickly leaf & if your light hours jump up watch out for a huge plant! hope some of that helps..


Well-Known Member
Everything loves eating cannabis so if possible i would find a nice big tub get some nice compost with a little perlite in and bang it in the tub.If possible build a polly frame around the plant this will up the yeild and keep the plant warm at night has well has keeping pests away.The holes in the leaves will be from some kind of junkie insect spray with a mix of alcohol vodka and washing up liquid but only if you know that it will dry out fast.I have used neat vodka during flowering because it avaperates alot faster.And any one who says it will harm the plant is wrong.