A few quick questions on SCROGing...


Well-Known Member
Im going to be trying the SCROG method with a square screen on a recirculating DWC grow using a 400W HPS (in cooltube) Id just like to know...

1) When tying the plants to the screen should it be done above the screen or below?

2) What formation works best "spiral, T, V"?

3) How long would be a good veg time when SCROGGING before I switch to flowering?

4) At what node is it ideal to begin tying the branches?

5) Is a 45 litre container sufficient for 4 plants or will the roots need more room?

By the way Im starting off with C99.

Ive been looking for a step by step vid on youtube on SCROGGING where the grower actually bends, tucks & ties the branches but couldnt find any if you happen to have any bookmarked please share.


Well-Known Member
Split the plants into separate containers, this was the biggest problem with my first grow.