A few quick questions :)

I have purchased a few things that have been recommended, and I'd just like some input - as well as how-to-use if you can xD

1.) Alaska Fish Fertilizer "Natural Organic Based" N-5.0% Phosphate-1.0% Potash-1.0%
It says how to use it, and it came highly recommended for general purpose, low-budget, good result nutes.
Only questions would be, anyone ever used it/something similar, and how'd it work?
Also, when is the earliest to begin feeding nutes? Let's assume if it is 2 weeks into the grow, that means two weeks from when the plant SPROUTS from the dirt. :P Just being clear on that.

2.) Dyna-Gro "Pure Neem Oil" - Organic Leaf Polish.
Directions are pretty basic, however it was said I needed a dish soap to mix with the Neem and water. Question is: HOW MUCH SOAP?
Also, when should I do my first - low dosage treatment - on my plants? I've been told about two weeks in, then every two weeks for preventive measures.

3.) **This is where it gets.. 'experimental'..
I had also purchased ULTRAGREEN All Purpose Plant Food, 24-8-16; and planned on just using one nute for a few plants, and this nute for another set. Just to see which works best for future reference.
Again, anyone used something similar?
And also, since the Nute levels are different, when do you recommend I begin 'feeding'?

I will be using Organic Soil Mix, that has minor nutes (not time release) in it; Also supplied with 2 CFLs of the soft white spectrum (I know this isn't the best, but its what i'm using during mild/weak sunlight hours before I switch to my big bulb).
Once big enough to endure the heat, I will be using a 300W Bulb 5900K Lumens. I've, embarrassingly, already learned the importance of having the plant strong enough to endure this bulb, but thats not what I was asking about! So focus on the other stuff! ;)

Thanks for any advice given, know that none of it will be in one.. er, eye and out the other ;)


PS! As I do NOT have a ph tester as of right now, what is a fail safe way of giving 'decent' ph leveled water to my plants?
I've been running it out of the tap and letting it sit at least 24hrs before using it. As that's what i've been recommended.
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
ill simplify
Neem oil
8ml of Neem oil + 5ml of liquid soap in 1 litre of water

2-4 weeks after germ or when they start to show def.
both your nutes are for veg, you will need different ones for flower.

in soil a pH pen is not that crucial as long as your water is close to neutral
check your nutes to see if they have a pH on the pack
Thanks for the feedback (+1)

I'll check to see if they have a pH in a bit :)
I got these nutes for veg specifically, will get flower nutes when I have more money!

Thanks again