A Few Random Questions


Active Member
Hey, im not an absolute newbie, I'm even more of a noob than that, so please bear with me.

I've decided to start growing for myself, so im starting out small. I've read up loads on how to grow and i pretty much grasp everything, apart from a few things that most sites haven't included.

  • What do you have to do with male plants? a few sites have mentioned 'eliminating' them, but i don't understand why. can't you just leave them?
  • and after you have harvested and dried the buds out what do you actually do with the buds, to get them into a smokeable form?
thanks for any help :)
First off, you only want female plants because only female plants produce the actually buds. The second reason you want to get rid of the male is because they will polinate the female plants, and they will produce seeds, aka the bull will be some shitty ass mids, no good. As for the drying part, once you dry the bud throughrly, it is ready to smoke. Read some articles about curing. Good luck
Read up on drying and curing, this is the key to maximizing your results. Needs to be done carefully.
Your post reminds me of the time my neighbor caught me pulling his males. I was teaching him the basics but hadn't got to sexing yet. Thought he was going to cry. Lol. All good in the end, they need to go if you want sensimilla.
Not trying to be rude when I say this, so please keep that in mind. If you have "read and done loads of research", then you either have more to do or need a better place in which to research. The question of what to do about the male shows that you don't understand some of the most basic fundamentals about this plant. Asking questions is always good but maybe not preface them with the amount of research done. Honesty will get you much more help. Good luck and best of wishes.
It's a sad task. If your male flowers are already opening, You might want to put a bag over them before chopping so you don't pollinate while chopping (cut them near ground level).