A Fool and a Hermie Seed

week 8 1/2 of flower - no trace of male blooms
about a week to go, time to celebrate a little
male blooms look unlikely at this point, this was a nicely behaved femme
not a spectacular yield, but no complaints
the goal was to improve my female odds by using the feminized seed that nature had provided
and it worked


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thanks for the harvest thoughts Penyajo, harvest is coming fast - bud is quite dense though, they really wave those branches around when the plant gets moved
9 1/2 weeks of flower - decided to harvest
a modest haul, 60g wet, that will likely be about 15g dry
but no seeds apparent, success on the hermie trait!
small yield is probably due(partly) to the cfl's
been using the same ones for 2 years of flowering - may have pushed the envelope on that one


  • day86.jpg
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Yeah, lol CFL's should be replaced every 4-5 months if your using them to grow. But, i'll squeeze a little more out of them usually. Not 2 years, but...
Nice work though, I enjoyed watching this go all the way from seed to flower to harvest with you bro!!
Yeah, lol CFL's should be replaced every 4-5 months if your using them to grow. But, i'll squeeze a little more out of them usually. Not 2 years, but...
Nice work though, I enjoyed watching this go all the way from seed to flower to harvest with you bro!!

thanks for riding out this strange grow, it was different
i was probably running 1 experiment too many with the older cfl's
i was trying to judge them by apparent brightness to my eye, bad idea looking back
tracked the yields over their lifetime, was a steady decrease in yields
Makes sense. To the eye, the decrease is negligible, but the plants really seem to notice.
Congrats on the nonhermie buds my friend. Was fun to watch.
You startin another grow I can follow or...?
Makes sense. To the eye, the decrease is negligible, but the plants really seem to notice.
Congrats on the nonhermie buds my friend. Was fun to watch.
You startin another grow I can follow or...?

actually, got the seed ready to go, a jock horror from nirvana, i'll post the link here, fresh cfl's this time
i usually do a smoke report, but this was a 'one of' type grow
so i'll make a quick 'breeder report' instead

to summarize, the parent was a hermied brainwreck from highgrade-seeds
had a pretty strong perfume smell, taste was so so at best
high was better with some up, but not anxious, which is needed by me(anxiety issues)
call it a 7 for potency

the offspring did not hermie at all, femme all the way
very low odor during grow, and after a good 3 weeks of cure still not much odor
something like the parent but milder, just a little perfume
but the taste, this was wild because it had such low smell
but not a low taste, tangerine peel, best taste i've had so far
and stronger than parent, definitely an 8+
like the parent has some up but not anxious, but stronger, kind of hypnotic

i had planned my next grow to be jock horror, and i did crack a seed
f'ing thing cracked, then just sat there, a dud
since i have about 500 of these hermie seeds, and it worked out once
curious if this was a fluke, seedling is up - pics in a few days
day 5 and it's been hot, hot, hot
no AC in the grow area, first time that it's been an issue
it's growing, but understandably a slow start


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Ouch with the heat, I dig it, been in the high 100's all week here. 111-112 on the hot days.

And good shit, is this the Jack Horror? Or...?
it's another seed from the hermie plant, so this is a 2nd run of that seed
decided i really need another female, supplies are going to be thin at the end of this grow!
Ha, if you didn't live across the country, i'd hook you up, I have all the equipment I could need, but can't grow yet til my application is processed, and....MAYBE until my court date...
i have enough equipment, was talking about my medicine reserves
yield was on the small side last grow, likely from the old cfl's
so i'm back to my 'feminized' seeds because i can ill afford a male plant this run
after a very slow start from a nasty heat wave, things are looking up
back to normal grow rate, and a not bad looking seedling
this pheno is already looking different, more indica
not unhappy with that, i like variety


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